Well Christmas is finally over and this is the list of my stash this year.
Sony CD player for my work car
Family Guy Volume 4 (Freakin Sweeeeeet!)
3 Knives
1 set of Git-R-Done pilsner beer glasses
3 Geocoins
Sirius radio (because I got Brando a new one for Christmas)
Remington long sleeve shirt
Lots of Coffee and flavored creamers to try.
White Chocolate syrup for coffee
And last but definately not least 2 wonderful children to watch there eyes open wide and faces glow while opening there presents. This is what its all about. I try to remind myself to savor these moments.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
This past week and until after Christmas I am supposs to be on vacation. However my work must have not gotten the memo. I went in to work during my vacation twice so far on my vacation and have ducked several phone calls. Hopefully it is all over with until I get back to work on Wednesday.
Sorry to everyone out there in blogger land. I have not been on the computer very much to read everyones blogs so I have a bunch of catching up to do. I hope to get time to comment on everyones postings soon.
Brando got her BIG Christmas present early this year. We are saving the suprise for my Mom and Dad until we come down next Saturday. So if you see them or talk to them please dont let the cat out of the bag until after next Saturday. This is what my lovely Brando wanted for about a year. I wanted something different but due to the fact that she will be the one using it the most I finally seen the light and purchase what she wanted. Here is here present :
Sorry to everyone out there in blogger land. I have not been on the computer very much to read everyones blogs so I have a bunch of catching up to do. I hope to get time to comment on everyones postings soon.
Brando got her BIG Christmas present early this year. We are saving the suprise for my Mom and Dad until we come down next Saturday. So if you see them or talk to them please dont let the cat out of the bag until after next Saturday. This is what my lovely Brando wanted for about a year. I wanted something different but due to the fact that she will be the one using it the most I finally seen the light and purchase what she wanted. Here is here present :
I hope it makes a good vehicle.
I wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Voice On

Today my voice is back such as it is. I am enjoying talking at normal levels instead of straining to have people hear me and repeating myself. Still a bit hoarse but I am sure this will pass. One of the people I work with has blambed me for there scratchy throat. I wish I could call in sick but there is alot to do and not much time left to do it. As well as the projects I am working on there are several others that I have to cover due to people away for training and vacation. This week will be over soon and I will have 9 days to relax.
We watched "A Christmas Story"last night and it was just as good as I remember. I need to watch "Christmas Vacation" still so maybe this weekend I will watch it. These movies are a MUST SEE before Christmas can go on...
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I am down wit it.
Today when awakening I felt a little achy. I went through my normal daily routine. Getup, Groom, Dress, Drink a diet soft drink and out the door I go. I listen to NPR news all the way to work to keep up on current events and also because its the only radio station that does not fade out half way on my 40 minute drive to work. I walked in the door early to help a unit that was in trouble and was getting ready to let my boss know where I was going. I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. I tried to clear my voice and it was a bit better but still hardely audible. I managed to express where I was going through charades and a quick note and off I went. I am now alot better since I have taken some medicine for my throat but still pretty hoarse. I have never lost my voice before and the experience was pretty freeky. Since I am the only one in the plant that can do my job I hope the bug stays at bay and is satisfied with taking my voice for a bit. Hurry up Vacation!!!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Warning Cache Spoilers In This Blog
Warning: Spoilers in this blog!!! Do Not read the first paragraph if your a Geocacher in my area.
What do these things have in common? Flashlight....Cache container....Brandy....? The answer is that all of the above was in my car trunk this weekend. There was a cache that we suspected that had glow in the dark writing on it and so we took said item to the only dark place that could be found in the middle of a picked corn field. It was a humorus experience to say the least. Yuri kept telling me to open the trunk but I wanted to leave it closed for a cache or two.
Now you can read this part.
We had a really good time caching yesterday. We hit several stop and go caches which are my favorite. Any cacher that tells you that they enjoy tearing apart anything and everything around a certain coord and looking a fool for close to an hour to find a cache that my be missing is lying to you. I like the quick gratification caches which might say something about me. It was a little breezy but it was still a nice day for December. I hope to see several more days like this next week while I am on vacation. I hope to get a few caches in while I am off.
If you want to know more about our adventure you can read Brandos Bloggins.
Happy caching.
What do these things have in common? Flashlight....Cache container....Brandy....? The answer is that all of the above was in my car trunk this weekend. There was a cache that we suspected that had glow in the dark writing on it and so we took said item to the only dark place that could be found in the middle of a picked corn field. It was a humorus experience to say the least. Yuri kept telling me to open the trunk but I wanted to leave it closed for a cache or two.
Now you can read this part.
We had a really good time caching yesterday. We hit several stop and go caches which are my favorite. Any cacher that tells you that they enjoy tearing apart anything and everything around a certain coord and looking a fool for close to an hour to find a cache that my be missing is lying to you. I like the quick gratification caches which might say something about me. It was a little breezy but it was still a nice day for December. I hope to see several more days like this next week while I am on vacation. I hope to get a few caches in while I am off.
If you want to know more about our adventure you can read Brandos Bloggins.
Happy caching.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Catching Up
Hello everyone out there in Blogger land. I havent blogged for a bit so I thought I would get everyone one caught up on my extremely exciting life.
Well that wraps it up for another exciting installment.
I finally got all the Christmas lights up including the friendly horses. They are filled with Christmas cheer. Frosty fell over on the second day and broke his carrot off. How embarrassing for Frosty. With the aid of some tape and a pencil I fashioned a splint and now his carrot sticks out with all its glory. However I think Santa is a bit jealous. Also I have now notice that Frosty has the same smile as Bob on the male enhancement commercials. Whats that all about?
The blow up snowman was stuck in a unfortunate position due to the rain and freezing. I finally had to go outside and break him free. Maybe it was a vacuum problem on the blower. One will never know.
The tallest tree had blown over and was laying quite undignified on the ground. After applying some manual assistance and a nice metal steak we got that puppy sticking straight up and erect and I was pretty excited to see it so. The little tree next to it might have some inadiquicy issues but I am sure with a little couseling we can pull him through.
I hope everyone is having as much fun this Christmas as I.
Well that wraps it up for another exciting installment.
I finally got all the Christmas lights up including the friendly horses. They are filled with Christmas cheer. Frosty fell over on the second day and broke his carrot off. How embarrassing for Frosty. With the aid of some tape and a pencil I fashioned a splint and now his carrot sticks out with all its glory. However I think Santa is a bit jealous. Also I have now notice that Frosty has the same smile as Bob on the male enhancement commercials. Whats that all about?
The blow up snowman was stuck in a unfortunate position due to the rain and freezing. I finally had to go outside and break him free. Maybe it was a vacuum problem on the blower. One will never know.
The tallest tree had blown over and was laying quite undignified on the ground. After applying some manual assistance and a nice metal steak we got that puppy sticking straight up and erect and I was pretty excited to see it so. The little tree next to it might have some inadiquicy issues but I am sure with a little couseling we can pull him through.
I hope everyone is having as much fun this Christmas as I.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I hope they are not looking at this.
What mental disorder do you have? Your Result: Paranoia You are constantly thinking about what others may be saying about you behind your back. You may also feel people have conspiracies against you, or they are out to get you. In crowds you may feel like everybody is watching to closely. | |
Manic Depressive | |
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) | |
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) | |
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) | |
What mental disorder do you have? |
But dont let them know.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Tough time
I am trying to switch back to days. After sleeping in the day time for about 15 days I now have to switch over to sleeping at night. I normaly dont have too much problems with this but for some reason it is difficult this time. I tryed all the stuff I normally do but it seems like I start getting very sleepy around 5 oclock. Last couple of nights I have only managed to make it to 8 or 9 and my butt is really draggin by then. I hope to get all the way switched over by Wednesday.
Brando put up the Christmas tree yesterday and I put up a few lights outside. We also watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer last night. It beginning to look alot like Christmas. I hope to hear pleanty of Carols and Christmas songs on the radio in the next few weeks.
Yin just woke up and came into the living room and said Uh Oh. I asked her what was uh oh and she informed me that the tree is broke. I let her know that it is not turned on yet and not broken. Now she is curled up in a ball on the couch. We are not sure if we will be able to place prizes, as Yin calls them, under the tree due to curious little hands. We will probably find out in the next day or two.
Brando put up the Christmas tree yesterday and I put up a few lights outside. We also watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer last night. It beginning to look alot like Christmas. I hope to hear pleanty of Carols and Christmas songs on the radio in the next few weeks.
Yin just woke up and came into the living room and said Uh Oh. I asked her what was uh oh and she informed me that the tree is broke. I let her know that it is not turned on yet and not broken. Now she is curled up in a ball on the couch. We are not sure if we will be able to place prizes, as Yin calls them, under the tree due to curious little hands. We will probably find out in the next day or two.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Gobble Gobbel Day

Just wanted to take this time to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I am on my last hootowl and will be rising and shining tomorrow to head south to the folks house for Big T-day with my family. I know my darling Brando will look at me from across the room with those eyes as I pile on another dolop of food on my plate. After I will be perfectly miserable and wonder why I ate that last piece of pie. I tend to over endulge a bit at this time of year. Wish me luck on keeping my stomach from distending and my wife from eyeing and telling me I told you so.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Another weekend come and gone

We have had very busy nights on startup. The group has been getting back to the shop about 4:30 am to eat and have a break. We were hoping for a quite night because days left a couple of small jobs to check on. But just like clockwork, after first break we kept on working through our lunch and through second break. I will be glad when this is all over and I can relax. I am looking forward to my week off at Christmas. It is not getting here soon enough. I hope everyone had a nice weekend and dodged the deer on the roads. My bubby and dad is doing their best to thin the heard to keep them off the road.
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today I arrived at work hoping to have a quiet evening since we have worked our butts off for the past few nights and things looked like it was starting to calm down. I walked in the door to be hit with about 10 different jobs and everyone wanting to tell me where they were on each individual job. I walked over to our coordinator and said "What is the priority of each job?" After getting a better view of where we stood for the night I set off to get some work done. It isn't much fun to have so much to do with so little time. Oh well that is the way it is out here....Feast or Famine.
It is pouring down rain now and we are inside hoping it will move out but the radar shows other wise. Looks like it is in for the rest of the night and probably the day. I am not looking forward to getting soaked. It don't look that deep now because it only came up to the waist of the ducks.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Thar He (Bo Bo) Blows!!!!

Today I was on a mission to get the remaining rebels from the super top secret project pond and get them to their new home. The first two fish were easy to catch. The water temp is cold so it slowed them down quite a bit. The last is a Blackmoor goldfish. He is of coarse black and the water with the few leaves that have fallen into it has turned into a dark tea color. He was really really hard to see. So after bailing out about 75 gallons or so of water. I was pretty well convinced that he didn't make it. The next bail I dumped in the yard had a good size little Blackmoor goldfish wriggling around on the grass. I scooped him up in a gallon container with a little water from the pond and hot footed it inside. Holding my prize with a sense of self satisfaction I exclaimed to Brando, "I found him!!!" She walked up to me and said after looking at the nearly black water in the gallon container, "Your joking right?" After she netted the contents so she could see him she learned otherwise. His fins look a little chewed but I am glad we took the extra effort to get him in the tank. Yuri named him Bo Bo. I guess he looks like any other Bo Bo that I have ever met.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Big Crash

Today I Crashed. The days of 4 and 5 hours of sleep finally caught up to me and I slept like the dead. Brando asked me if I had heard Yin because she was bad and loud. I reassured her that I didnt even hear my head hit the pillow. I went to bed and 8 am and my eyes popped open a 3:30 pm. I feel a little more like I am among the living now. This turnaround is to be over in 4 days and then start up with begin which is scheduled through the 20th but may go long if their is any trouble. I hope everything goes smooth.
Thanks to Starbucks coffee is a necessity now. Now I want to try different types and styles. The stuff they sell at Caseys aint too bad but I still like Starbucks. But for $1.09 a cup for Caseys I think I will choak it down.
Brando just purchased a 29 gallon aquarium for the dining room and the fish that is in the super top secret project pond (a.k.a Area 52...one level of secrecy greater than 51) is gonna move in with us. She happened to wrangle 2 fish out into the there new glass prison and when I wake up I will try and get the remaining rebels. She mentioned that they were big in the pond and said that they are huge in the aquarium. I cant wait to see them. I will try and post pics in the next week or so.
One more thought before I go. I just wanted to express to my wonder family that I have seen very little of lately that I REALLY REALLY MISS THEM. Who new a week could be sooo long. Well back to the grind. I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Halloween starts in November

Today my lovely wife Brando, darling daughter Yin and I went to Wally World. We headed back to the home and garden stuff to see if they still had any halloween stuff marked on clearance. Brando asked if I needed any fog juice for next year. "How much?", I asked. She informed me that they were $2.12 marked down 75%. After stammering for a bit I answered in the affermative and she asked me how many? I said, "All of it." We walked way with 16 half gallons of juice. That should get us for next year and the next. It beats buying it for almost 9 dollars a half gallon. They didnt have much else we were interested in. After picking up Yuri from school we retreated to the house and watch Cars on DVD. I really like this movie. I recommend it to anyone.
Greetings from the graveyard shift
I am typing this in the wee hours of the morning so it may or may not make sense. How is that any different than any other time you might ask? None at all. It is 3 in the morning and we just got in the shop from unhooking our control wires from a valve. It wouldnt have been too bad but it is on the third floor and it is raining. I am soaked and cold and ready to be done for the night. The good news is that quiting time is as 5:30 am instead of 7. Today on the way home my febble sleep starved gray matter was doing the micro sleep thing. I would focus hard on the road just to snap away with a quick jerk of the wheel and theat scared question in the back of my brain of " just how long was I out?" My car on auto pilot took me home where I crawled into bed to stare at the ceiling until 9 am. I awoke at noon and went to the living room to see Brando and Yin for a bit. Feeling tired again, my tired but went back to bed until 3pm where I awoke feeling pretty good. My brain hasnt switched over yet because with all this sleep one would think that I would not be too tired right now but my eyes are droopy and my typing will put the spell checker through its paces. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Goodnight Princes of Main and Princesses of Narnia.....or something like that.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
A Place For Everything

And everything in its place. We finally got everthing out of the yard. However the garage has seen better days. The mausoleum and stones are all put away and waiting to amerge next year. All in all we had a really nice Halloween and my stress level is almost back to normal. After working like a dog today to get everything picked up we retreated into the house to spend some time talking with Pilot and Knittergirl, drinking warm Chocolate Silk coffee and watching The Village. This movie is possible one of my most favorite movies of all time. I remember talking with one of my coworkers about this movie and he told me that the movie was bad and disappointing. I think it could be a bad movie for someone with limited intellect and no imagination. I watched it the first time and really enjoyed it and enjoy it more and more with every subsequent viewing. Maybe the place for me is in The Village.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
All Over

Well my favorite holiday has come and gone. I must say that I did my best to have a good time and for the most part I did. I stress terribly around this time because of all the stuff that goes on at this time of the year and throw in a training trip for work and it just about puts me over the edge. I hope that now that all this hub bub is over I can now relax. I dont remember stressing so much last year but I dont think I was this busy. This weekend I plan on trying to find a place for all the Halloween stuff and getting the yard back in shape. I also need to get the pond cleaned out and check to see if the fish are still kicking. I hope to get back to my ole self again soon. I dont think I could have stood to wait for Halloween any longer. I had fun but I can honestly say that I am glad it is all over. The final tally for the night was right at 100 tots and this year we handed out beanie babies and playdoh with a hand full of candy. Brando made sure to tell Yin and Yuri to get plenty of candy at one of the local parades because she wasnt going to buy candy for the tots. We went through the candy and picked out all the good stuff. Does this make us bad people?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tonight Is HALLOWEEN!!!!
Tonight is the night. Looks like the weather is shaping up even with a 5 to 6 mile an hour wind it is still better than rain. It looks to be a bit nippy tonight also so I hope the TOTs are bundled up a bit. I plan on getting some pict tonight and hope to post a few.
Monday, October 30, 2006

Tomorrow is Halloweeeeeeeen and I am as gitty as a school girl. I hope the weather is ok and it looks like the rain will be moving out about noon to one oclock so I hope rain isnt an issue. I am hoping to have more kids this year than last. I know we had several but there was a few moments where no one was at the house. It would be nice to have a even steady stream. Awww I will be lucky if all my stuff works tomorrow and I should be thankful for that.
What is all the weeeeeeen about you might ask. Brando has Yin on her potty trying to coax her to make a pee pee and now you know about the weeeeeeeeeeeeeen. That reminds me I have to go use the bathroom.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Im Home
I made it home last night around 9 oclock. Brando met me at T town and we ate out before heading south to the house. I must say that I am really glad to be back home. Vegas is a nice town but I wouldnt want to live there. The final tally for the trip of coffee and gambling ended up with Vegas taking me for a big whopping 11 dollars. Oh well the guy I traveled with didnt fair so well. All in all I am glad I went and glad it is over.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I hate this town.

This town was built to exploit peoples weaknesses. I am afraid to go out of the hotel room. First I blown a whopping 4 washingtons on a slot machine and now I cant trust myself around a starbucks. I must have over did it tonight because I woke up on the floor with a round coffee stain around my mouth and cheeks. I dont remember too much before that. I remember paying for a venti white chocolate mocha with whipped cream and thats where I must have blacked out. I am just glad I made it to the room. I hope to be stronger tomorrow. Wish me luck...
While in Vegas......
Well I finally gave in. I must be the weakest man in the world....Not to mention a no good husband to my faithful wife of 13 years. It was too easy...I blame this cursed town with its glitz and glamour and bright lights. I got me one of THOSE card and in a matter of moments I was caressing, massaging, groping mind you, the seductive buttons of a loose...SLOT. I cant believe I lost it all.....I was like a mad man just shoving in one bill after another. I don't know what made me do it....I don't think I ever won anything, just kept hittin the buttons until it was all gone... all gone I tell ya! I feel terrible. After playing for what seemed like just a few minutes I walked away from that one armed temptress with an empty dreading feeling. Man...I thought to myself....Im gonna miss that 4 dollars. Im a weak weak man. And who ever put a Starbucks in this Casino, Imma gonna kick their A$$. Im addicted to the White Chocolate Mocha with whipped cream. Make mine a Venti... I hate this town.

View out my 20th floor window.

Picture from Star Trek: The Experience

View from the top of the Stratosphere.

View out my 20th floor window.

Picture from Star Trek: The Experience

View from the top of the Stratosphere.
Cache Slash Fest 2006
I dont have alot of time this morning but I just wanted to post a quik thanks to everyone who attended the Cache Slash Fest 2006. The attendees make the event. Hands down I think it was better than last years event. We sold 21 shirts last year as to 47 this year. I think I said we had around 75 last year which was probably more like 40 and this year on the attendence sheet we counted 88 cachers. That does not count the family and friends that stopped by that are not into caching YET. I think we got really close to 100. I know a few that posted they would attend that didnt make it and I hope they can make it next year. I hope to have a decent trailer for next years hayride. Plans are already under way to make next years event bigger and better. Hope that everyone had a good time and got enough to eat. I think the Cache Slash Crew each in their own way did a bang up job and added to the whole event. Thanks STP10 for the Alien Autopsy. I think this prop alone put us over the top. What an awesome prop. I am sorry to hear the head loper broke but I know the next prop will be bigger and better. Thanks Bucky and Half Pint for the bags. Those bags assured that NO ONE left empty handed. Thanks again.
Los Wages
Yep I am here in Henderson Nevada. Just a stones throw from Las Vegas. I have been a really good boy and have not done anything wrong. I have resisted the draw of the gambling so far and the only thing I have done was pick up some of those cards they have stuck all over the street corners to show Brando when I get back home. I have class from 8 to 4:30 and then we plan on checking out the strip. I hope the get some really good pics tonight. We were on the Sahara part of the boulevard last night and it is a bit on the questionable end of the road due to the fact that we got hit up from money about 3 or 4 times. We just said we dont have any which isnt far from the truth and walked on. This place is amazing. Blog ya later
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Pumpkin Gutter
Here is a cool site of some really awesome punkins. Hope ya like'em.
Click here to check out his 2006 slideshow
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Fretting The Trip

I was informed that I am going to Nevada for training. I axed when? They told me I could pick Oct 23 through the 27 or the week after Thanksgiving. I wanted to go in November but with an upcoming turnaround and also a visit to my parents it looks like Oct is the best of two evils. I hate missing out on being at home and enjoying the yard while it is all decorated. If the weather was nice I would probably camp out infront of one of the grave markers. I cant believe they want me to take a week out of October for this crappy training. The only bright spot of the trip is that I will get to go to STAR TREK : The Experience while I am out there but at $40 bucks a pop I am not sure I will even do that. Stinkin training! Why does it have to be this month. I guess it could be worse. It could be during Halloween.
Videos for the Season

Last night while Brando was off to her scrapbooking class the kids and I watched some ole time favorite videos for the season. I have alot of videos for Christmas but I am trying to collect some for Halloween to help get us all in the mood for this wonderful holiday. We watched Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Grafields Halloween and Wallace and Gromits The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. I have watched a few others while the kids have been away or sleeping.

One of my favorites is Sleepy Hollow with Jonny Deep. I also watched a campy new present version called Hollow that was...well....campy. We have also seen The Nightmare Before Christmas. We will have to watch Corpse Bride soon. I like some of the slasher movies but they are hard to try and find time when the kids are not around to watch. One night Brando and I are going to watch Silver Bullet. It is one of my favorites also. Halloween is on its way and will be here before you know it so I hope everyone has their costumes ready.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Web site updated

I have updated my web site if anyone wants to look at this years projects. Enjoy.
Monday, October 09, 2006
This is Halloween, This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Hall-o-ween.
Here are some pics of the Halloween Projects I have been working on. Brando came up with the Mausoleum. I hope you like it.

Here is a Trash Can pop up that is triggered by a motion detector.
Here is the Flying Crank Ghost that I nick named Bones.
Here is SPASM!!!
And last but not least ....Uncle Mort. We have trouble keeping him in the box.
Hope you liked the pictures.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Halloween Projects
Well it seems that the harder I work on my projects the farther behind I get. I did get one project mostly done this weekend. My wonderful wife Brando decided that our yard haunt needed a mausoleum. So we got the supply's and voila it is up and ready for its new inhabitant, Mort. He will move in sometime this week and hopefully everything will work correctly. I am still working on a flying crank ghost and another top secret project that I am not sure will pan out. The new popup is basically done and ready for placement in the yard. Then we have a million totes to pick up and move back to the garage. The thunder and lightening will be rolling tonight with a new Angry Skies soundtrack from Rusty Knife at Gore Galore. I am still not happy with the lighting but I am not sure what I need to do. I guess I will have to spring for some good flood lights. Hope to have picture soon of the completed projects and a How To on my website. Check you later.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Back Home and the First Day of Work
As you all may know we got back on Saturday around 3:30 pm and dog tired. We all also seem to be suffering from a sinus bug. Yin has the sniffles and a runny nose, Yuri has an ear ache, Brando has a congested head and ear ache and I have sinus drainage and congestion. The worst part of the trip was the airplane ride home. Yin did pretty good on the way home sleeping most of the way and then watching the We Wes (Wiggles) on the second leg from Baltimore. (We couldnt get a direct flight home.)
To everyone who wanted me to take lots of pictures I hope I did not disapoint. I clicked through a 512Mb card the first couple of days and loaded a fresh 1 Gb card for the following days. I was doing well until the return trips to the parks where I got the ,Oh I have already seen it and probably photographed it already, mind set. The total picture count on the digital camera was 720 photos. Yuri took a disposable camera and clicked off another 24 exposures of who knows what. So I hope to have some good pics for everyone to check out soon. I plan to post some in the upcomming days. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and a good first day back to work.
To everyone who wanted me to take lots of pictures I hope I did not disapoint. I clicked through a 512Mb card the first couple of days and loaded a fresh 1 Gb card for the following days. I was doing well until the return trips to the parks where I got the ,Oh I have already seen it and probably photographed it already, mind set. The total picture count on the digital camera was 720 photos. Yuri took a disposable camera and clicked off another 24 exposures of who knows what. So I hope to have some good pics for everyone to check out soon. I plan to post some in the upcomming days. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and a good first day back to work.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Animal Kingdom

A few days ago we all went to the Animal Kingdom. Although it is probably the most beautiful of the parks it is also the most crowded because of the small paths they funnel people into and also the most hot. The vegetation and narrow paths add to zero air movement. We went to Dinoland and Yuri and I rode a kiddy coaster. Then he started making fun of Brando for not being able to ride the coasters so we went on a little further to Expedition Everest. He wanted to ride it so I said sure. We got on and he was hoppin and a skippin and saying how much fun this was going to be. We got up to the ride and they loaded us in and strapped us down. I looked over at him and said, "This is a big boy coaster not a kiddy coaster." He looked at me a little puzzled. We took off and road about half way throughout the ride. I looked over and Yuri had a look on his face that was between half sick and scared to death. I smiled at him and let him know that everything was ok. We got off the ride and Yuri said, "My stomach hurts." I laughed a little and said, "Are you going to make fun of mommy now?" and he shook his head. The Yeti was pretty cool and I highly recommend this ride for the entertainment and also to close the mouths of smarty pants little boys who think they can ride just any ride.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
From MGM to Magic Kingdom and back

Today we had a fun packed day at MGM Studios in the morning and then we rested at the hotel for a bit then back to MGM for a bit to eat at the Sci Fi theater and then watch the Indiana Jones Stunt Show. After that we hoped a bus that took us to the Monorail station to get to the Magic Kingdom. We rode Snow White and then Its A Small World then we took turns riding the Haunted Mansion. The rides are almost empty and you and basically walk right up to them and get on. I didnt have any problems with any characters and didnt have to get my toon dippin gloves on. But I may have to have electroshock therapy to get this damn small world tune outta my head.
Incident at Hollywood and Vine

We have gone to not 1 but 4 character meals since we have been here at Disney. In a last ditch effort to get the most bang for the buck Brando reserved another meal at Hollywood and Vine with some more characters. We got there and after a short wait walked into see Jo Jo and the Little Einsteins where there. Yin loves Jo Jo so all through eating lunch we heard Jo Jo, Jo Jo over and over and over... Now Jo Jo is moving from table to table and just went we think we are next then she would move to another table. Little Yins little patients (about 5 seconds long) was wearing thin and seeing her with her heart set on seeing and hugging Jo Jo the tension was mounting with every tick of the clock. Finally she was at the next table and we had our cameras and autograph books at the ready. The people at the next table must have taken 15 pictures and Jo Jo had to sign a couple of dozen books. Finally she was moving on to us but NO she turns and walks the other way. Maybe she forgot or didn't see or something like that. I walked up to the person that assists the characters as they move through the crowd and told them that we have been waiting along time and was ready to leave and that we were missed when Jo Jo went through the crowd. She said that they would eventually get back around to us. My head must have split open at that point. I was nearly about to choke out the helper and Jo Jo herself. Yin has see plenty of characters but for her every time is like the first time in her little mind. We walked up to space Mickey and Goofy at EPCOT and of course after unbuckeling Yin out of the stroller and packing her to the line the lady said, "We just closed the line." Try telling this to a 2 year old to make them understand. The scene wasn't pretty. After a bit my nerves calmed down and my need to rip the heads from all the characters subsided and I was able to enjoy the rest of the day. Hopefully all the character meals are over and I will not end up in a Florida jail for dunking toons in the turpentine.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Disney 2006
All we heard was Me Mouse Me Mouse Me Mouse. Well the first evening we did not see him at all and Yin had her heart set on seeing him. Well I was still wondering if she would have anything to do with him at all. Well take a look at the pictures below and make the decision for yourself....

Lets just say that Me Mouse has little Yin for his biggest fan now. The only words out of her mouth now is Me Mouse, Dance, Hug , Funny..over and over and over. Lets just say she really likes Mickey now. The weather is a little warm but the parks is practically empty and we are having a blast. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We are purchasing the internet every couple of days to keep everyone posted. Well gotta run.
Friday, September 15, 2006
YAHOO Internet
We are staying in the Hilton Garden Inn in the Big City and we are on the 14th floor. The veiw is breath taking of the city at night. I will make sure and snap a photo and post it at a later day. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. We went to Circle Center Mall to the Disney store. Yin and Yuri posed for the camera with Pooh and Tigger. Before we left the mall Yin had to give Me Mouse (Mickey) one last hug and blow him a kiss. Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings.
The Big Day
Above picture is pixelated to perserve the identity of the individual.
Today is the big day in which we will head to the Big City to fly to Disney. I must admit the I am about as excited as the kiddies are. Thanks to the tireless planning and organizing efforts of my dear wife Brando, she made this whole trip possible. She has the whole week scoped out and has planned and read all the info available to get the most fun out of this trip. She has checked and rechecked everything and spent countless hours reading and chatting with people who go to Disney alot to find out the best things to do so we dont waste our time on stuff that is not as entertaining for us. I hope that everything goes smooth and if we do run into a hiccup, it wont be due to the lack of effort or planning on my dear sweet Brandos part. She is the bomb. Thanks Brando for organizing this whole trip. Thank you again for taking care of the vacation plans. I know it will be great.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Disney Pics
Here are some true unedited photos of me enjoying my vacation. These are real unedited pictures....Honest and for true....
Heres me at The Magic Kingdom

Heres me at Epcot

Heres me at The Animal Kingdom

Sure does look like I will have lots of fun....Mmm...Errr... I mean I had lots of fun. Yeah....Thats right.
Heres me at The Magic Kingdom

Heres me at Epcot

Heres me at The Animal Kingdom

Sure does look like I will have lots of fun....Mmm...Errr... I mean I had lots of fun. Yeah....Thats right.
Headed for the BIG D and I dont mean Dallas

Tomorrow after work we will be heading up to the really big city to go shopping and stay the night in a hotel before we hop a plane and head for DISNEY. I am really excited and cant wait to see the look of the kids faces when we get to The Magic Kingdom. I am hoping that Yin is not scared of the characters and I know Yuri will have a good time.
Today at work I think that they are trying to see just how much I can do in a day. I was called in to work last night at 9:30 and got home at midnight from an emergency work order and today when I got to work their were 2 emergency work orders waiting for me. I also had 2 other jobs lined up to finish when I got the 2 E's (emergencys) done. It looks like I might make it out of here on time but you never know with this job. I was informed that the job I have been working on was going to get checked out on Friday night at 10:00 pm and they wanted me here to help with the check out. I told them that at that time I would be in the really big city relaxing in my hotel room. They will have to find someone else. $ is nice but time is golden. I cant wait for vacaction to get here and in a flash it will be gone. Hurry up Friday!!!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Day of remembrance

I am setting about 30 feet away from where I had heard the horrible news 5 years ago today. I cant tell you what I did that day before receiving the news but I can tell you everything I did after with crystal clarity. I remember the pictures of horror on the news and the empty sinking feelings that came the days, month's and years after. We have not forgotten. I still harbor hatred for the people who have done this. I believe in the old testament: An eye for an eye. I hope and pray that we speed there delivery where they too will get theirs. The memory's are burned into my brain and hope that age does not dull them. I want to remember and will never forget.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Holy Cow!!!
Tonight was the first night of the city Fall Festival. The past years have been a really enjoyable evening of baby contests, concessions stands and funnel cakes. I remember playing hide and seek all over town and having a blast. Now that my kids are a little older I was hoping that they could go up to the center of town and experience the same joy that I did.....HOLY COW!!! I think the Fall Festival, getting dark early and the full moon, its this combination that makes the freaks come out from hiding. I am sorry to be so judgmental but when you are up there with your family and every Goth dressed, foul mouthed, get a hotel room teenager is up there it looks pretty scary. Also it looks like about 20% of the cities population is burned out on meth. I swear that it sounded like we was in a popcorn popper, from all the people around uses teeth blowing apart in there heads. The town looked like a groping, tweaking group of the walking dead. It is a real shame. I thought that since we were going out of town this weekend that we would miss the parade but I think we saw it tonight. Scary!!!
Southbound on Ole 41
Tomorrow morning we will get up and head South. We will visit Mom and Dad for a bit and then it is off the my cousin Bridgets new house. I am glad that this trip is in the wake of, not good news but the best news it can be considering the situation, news. It should be enjoyable and this will be the last time the kids will see Mom before she starts Chemotherapy. I hope she doesnt have any really bad side effects and the only thing we have to explain to the kids is why NeNe is wearing a hat. This is a while down the road though so I shouldnt obsess on that now. The only thing I should have to worry about this weekend is Mom wrestling the kids. Maybe she will behave herself and we wont have to put her in time out. Wish us luck.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Self Centered

I have realized something since the current family crisis. I DONT DEAL WELL WITH STRESS. I must be the worst person on the planet when it comes to dealing with stress. At first news of the crisis, I was away and stessed about getting home to be with family. Upon arriving home I enjoyed very breifly the reunion of our family at the airport. Back to bleek thinking. I have taken every last bit of stress out on my wonderful wife and kids. In some way I think that I have been trying to keep as busy as possible to try to keep my mind off the problem so to relieve the situation but as soon as I have a slow moment then BAM. I now know that I am no good in stressful situations and at a loss at how others do it. Some people thrive in turmoil and confussion. I wilt like a flower. I hope that this crisis and self awareness of the terrible person that I become during these situations will help me get better. Now that the family crisis has subsided a bit I have just now let myself feel the sorrow about the Erwin family. Its like my mind said NOPE you are at your limit before you have a meltdown so we will block this feeling for now. I am not sure what it is....Self preservation or Self centered. I do feel terrible and also feel lucky to have such a wonderful family. Family is...... Family is the people who make up for your own short commings. I hope there are no more stressful situations but if there are I hope to do better in the future.
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