Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Long Cold Winters Night

As you can tell from Pilots blog we did not have gas for several hours last night. I was finally informed by a friend that the gas rupture had been fixed for over an hour and there was two gas company people running around turning on everyones gas meter and lighting pilots. Taking matters into my own hands I called the gas company and asked if I could turn it on myself. The man said i can not authorize you to do it but I am sure there should be no problem. I was afraid that since we are on the outskirts of town and would be the last to have the meter turned on. After turning my gas on and lighting all pilots, my father in law was next. While doing this I called Pilot (the brother and not a gas pilot because gas pilots done have phone numbers and that is just crazy anyway) so he could get his turned on. I also got my future sister in laws house lit, the Masonic lodge and went to a couple of elderly folks houses to check on them. Both houses had notes telling that they spent the night somewhere else for the evening. I visited Pilot to make sure his was all lit. I finally got home about 9 oclock and was able to warm up. Needless to say, I slept like the dead and woke to a nice warm house and didnt want to get out of bed.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Star Trek Overload

Last night I came home feeling horrible. So I vegged out infront of the tube and watch Star Trek until I felt like part of the crew. First I watched Voyager on Spike until it went off then switched to the SciFi Network to watch Enterprise. After it was all over I went to bed and dreamed of Star Trek. The thought going through my mind while I slept was I wanted to be the meat in a 7 of 9 and T'Pol sandwich.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Event

(The picture is from my phone. Of course we forgot the camera.)

What is this you might ask yourself? A rusty old can? Why is this rusty old can in this glass case? What is so special about this rusty old piece of crap can? Well, just so happens that this rusty old piece of crap can is the only original item that has survived from the original cache place in a black bucket, in the woods near Beaver Creek, Oregon, near Portland by Dave Ulmer in 2000. The person that brought it to the event lives in Phoenix, Arizona and was passing through and thought that we at the event would like to see it. He was the one who placed the plaque at the original cache site. He goes by Team 360. He does not log his caches online but was at the site with Dave Ulmer to place the plaque. He asked exactly where was the original cache at. Dave pointed to a spot so when they were digging around the site they found a can of beans. Dave said that the can of beans was in the original cache container but must have gotten dumped out and has started to rust up and was slightly crushed. It was pretty neat to see and everyone else at the wedding reception that are not geocachers probably thought we were a bunch of goof balls looking at and taking pictures of this crappy old can. I must admit it was pretty neat to see and I didnt expect to see anything like this at the event.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whats scarier?

After a couple of days we still dont know much. They red taped the whole unit where the incident happened and now the operators are making there rounds with SCBA air packs on their backs. They still dont know how H2S killed an operator on a unit where no H2S is supposed to be. They are wondering if it was some other type of gas that may set off H2S detectors when at a lethal concentration. The H2S monitors we wear are data loggers also and they checked the unit he was wearing and the highest ppm was 92. This would cause difficulty breathing but normally you need 300 - 500 ppm to reach IDL (Immediate Danger to Life) concentrations. Friday, the day before the incident, we noticed a smell where we were working just across the road from where Gunner was found. One of the electricians said his H2S detector went off when he was entering the building. Then a contract engineer said, as she was getting into her vehicle, her detector went off also. The unit and area we were working in stunk really bad but my detector never went off but I kept it with me the whole day just incase. I guess they notified the owning departments and they ran gas detectors all over but found nothing. What ever set off the alarms has gone and must be intermittant. Unit detectors picked up a spike of gas around the same time that we had this first account of H2S as the wind moved the invisable cloud around the units to the North East. Even though the stink was still there the posionous gas was gone for now. We were hoping that this event was a lone anomily in operations and would not happen again. The events on Saturday would prove otherwise. The operators carry a unit around to scan sample points on the unit to log their rounds. The last scan on Gunners unit was at 3:06 pm and he was discovered Saturday around 3:16 pm when he wouldn't respond on the radio. The operator was moving toward Gunner , who was already down on the concrete, when his detector went off. Training tells us to get a SCBA on and he probably scrambled to get to the nearest one, get it turned on and donned. I am sure only a couple of minutes had passed before he was dragging Gunner to the North East edge of the unit where he was met by two other operators who preformed CPR on Gunner. They said it was probably only about 5 minutes before the EMTs got there but it felt like an hour. Being that Gunner was a young operator who had only been there less than two years emotions ran high as they tried desperately to revive him......Gunner was pronounce dead at Crawford Memorial Hospital.

Unfortunatly in most accounts of people going down from H2S exposure, if you dont have someone there to see you go down and rescue you in a matter of a couple of minutes, then there really are no happy endings to the incident. H2S is something that is prevelent in the plant and you can not become complacent about it. The good news is that they shut our project down until they find out more about what happened because we are so close to where it happened. But the best you can do is hope that all the equipment works properly and keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Dont know what to do

I was just informed that there was a fatality up at my work. I dont know much about what happened but I do know that the man was young and was not married. I bet his family is devistated. I guess he was overcome by H2S gas. Basically it shuts down your breathing and if not moved out of the area you are gone in a matter of minutes. We have it all over my work and we where H2S monitors on us all the time but in concentrations high enough you will be down and out before the alarm goes off. I dont know what to do but ask for everyone who reads this please keep his family in your prayers

Friday, January 19, 2007

ok go

I love this video.


It finally happened. The best day of my entire life happened today. My bro, Pilot, said and I quote, "If gas ever gets down to under $2.00 a gallon I will crap my pants." We hell has frozen over and fat lady has sung. It is a glorious day. I stopped by the gas station and took a picture from my phone for proof. Yep, this weekend cant start off any better than this. But dont feel too bad. Today at my work someone that I will not name just so happen to shat his trowsers also. And he didnt say anything about gas prices. It just must be a twofer Friday. I am truely blessed.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Here it is.

Your 1996 Theme Song Is: Breakfast at Tiffany's by Deep Blue Something
And I said "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"She said, "I think I remember the film,And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it."And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got."

Who would have guessed?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Trip to E-town

Today instead of sitting around the house and staring at one another we decided to go to E-town. We had a pretty good time. We took the kiddos to Chuck-E-Cheese for them to hoot and holler a bit. After we had their crappy pizza and spent a million dollars on the skee-ball to get 2000 tickets to get a package of sweetarts we went to the mall and made a few purchases. The list of other destinations were Target, Sams and then IHOP. We ate pancakes and all was right with the world on this cool, damp, dark, rainy day. On the way home we stopped to fill up on gas and while jockeying for a open pump a couple of punk kids zooomed in with a Camero and took our open pump just before we could pull in. After Brando backed up and pulled into another empty pump, I stood outside filling up the vehicle looking over in there direction. I payed at the pump and they both went in to get other purchases and pay. I wanted so bad to ask the driver when he came out if he liked Sweetarts. What ever answer he gave me I would have said, "Well I hope your car does." While holding up an empty Sweetart package. Instead I just got in the van and pulled away. They were just a couple of punk kids so I am glad I didnt scare them to where they would have had to go home and tell his mommy and daddy that someone put Sweetarts in the gas tank of the car his daddy bought him. Although I think it would have been fun.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Update on the Sins of Work

(What I wanted to do to the supervisor.)

Today we had a meeting with the powers that be and arrived at a decision that hopefully will allow both partys walk away less pissed off. The meeting went something like this:

PTB: First and formost I would like to apologies for what has happened. I oversteped my authority in promising you a day off and have been talking to my supervisor and we have come to a offer that you guys will find beneficial. We are offering you a half a day off and you can take any three days of vacation and move them anywhere on the calendar regardless of quota. (they will only let 6 guys off at a time since we have 33 in the shop. Getting your vacation in can be a real chore around the holidays.)

Me: I can accept that and we all know where the problem lies. Basically you made a decision and thought you could deliver on it and your supervisor didn't. And I can accept an apology from someone who admits they were wrong and made a mistake.

I told my co-worker going in that if he apologizes first thing I am more apt to let him off the hook. If he does not admit to wrong doing and denies what he said then Lord help him because I will not. I think he took the smart way out and I really do think he could get it done but due to the his tight a$$ boss that didnt back him up he basically fell on his face.

As far as I am concerned this chapter is closed and we didnt end up with the screwin that I thought we would end up getting. Also instead of them telling us that we are going to be a department of 2 they are giving us 2 more guys to train. Looks like the future of the department is looking up. Lets keep our fraggin fingers crossed.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thank God its Friday

I WILL NOT PICK UP MY PHONE FOR WORK THIS WEEKEND!!! I will tell you a bit of the source of my frustration. While I was on vacaction the week before Christmas, I was called up Monday morning from my boss and he informed me that if I came it to work to fix a problem that they had that I my job would give me a whole day of vacation for next year to take for the one they ruined this year. I agree to the terms that they set and would have been happy to help them if they payed me for the trip up and back instead of just the time that I am there. After the problem was solved and all was right with the control system I headed home. After returning to work after Christmas my boss recieved an email from the person that informed him to call me with the terms to inform me that I would not be getting a whole day vacation for only an hours work. We are supposed to have a meeting to discuss fair compensation. But now I want what they promised to begin with only because they lied to me to get me there to fix the problem. How would you feel??? Please post your opinion on how far you think I should take this. Mark my words I will get that day one way or another but it really burns my biscuits.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Me

Due to all the aggrevation with work and things in general I decided to change my profile pic to one a little more fitting to show a little more of my personality and frustration. Hope you like it.