Well my favorite holiday has come and gone. I must say that I did my best to have a good time and for the most part I did. I stress terribly around this time because of all the stuff that goes on at this time of the year and throw in a training trip for work and it just about puts me over the edge. I hope that now that all this hub bub is over I can now relax. I dont remember stressing so much last year but I dont think I was this busy. This weekend I plan on trying to find a place for all the Halloween stuff and getting the yard back in shape. I also need to get the pond cleaned out and check to see if the fish are still kicking. I hope to get back to my ole self again soon. I dont think I could have stood to wait for Halloween any longer. I had fun but I can honestly say that I am glad it is all over. The final tally for the night was right at 100 tots and this year we handed out beanie babies and playdoh with a hand full of candy. Brando made sure to tell Yin and Yuri to get plenty of candy at one of the local parades because she wasnt going to buy candy for the tots. We went through the candy and picked out all the good stuff. Does this make us bad people?
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