Thursday, December 07, 2006

Catching Up

Hello everyone out there in Blogger land. I havent blogged for a bit so I thought I would get everyone one caught up on my extremely exciting life.


Well that wraps it up for another exciting installment.

I finally got all the Christmas lights up including the friendly horses. They are filled with Christmas cheer. Frosty fell over on the second day and broke his carrot off. How embarrassing for Frosty. With the aid of some tape and a pencil I fashioned a splint and now his carrot sticks out with all its glory. However I think Santa is a bit jealous. Also I have now notice that Frosty has the same smile as Bob on the male enhancement commercials. Whats that all about?

The blow up snowman was stuck in a unfortunate position due to the rain and freezing. I finally had to go outside and break him free. Maybe it was a vacuum problem on the blower. One will never know.

The tallest tree had blown over and was laying quite undignified on the ground. After applying some manual assistance and a nice metal steak we got that puppy sticking straight up and erect and I was pretty excited to see it so. The little tree next to it might have some inadiquicy issues but I am sure with a little couseling we can pull him through.

I hope everyone is having as much fun this Christmas as I.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Brando said...

FYI.... Big wind today all the kings horses and all the kings men might not be able to put our decorations right again.

Rudy said...

Sounds like the yard decorations got a bit of a ----job. He he he

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Giggle. Giggle.