Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Greetings from the graveyard shift

I am typing this in the wee hours of the morning so it may or may not make sense. How is that any different than any other time you might ask? None at all. It is 3 in the morning and we just got in the shop from unhooking our control wires from a valve. It wouldnt have been too bad but it is on the third floor and it is raining. I am soaked and cold and ready to be done for the night. The good news is that quiting time is as 5:30 am instead of 7. Today on the way home my febble sleep starved gray matter was doing the micro sleep thing. I would focus hard on the road just to snap away with a quick jerk of the wheel and theat scared question in the back of my brain of " just how long was I out?" My car on auto pilot took me home where I crawled into bed to stare at the ceiling until 9 am. I awoke at noon and went to the living room to see Brando and Yin for a bit. Feeling tired again, my tired but went back to bed until 3pm where I awoke feeling pretty good. My brain hasnt switched over yet because with all this sleep one would think that I would not be too tired right now but my eyes are droopy and my typing will put the spell checker through its paces. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Goodnight Princes of Main and Princesses of Narnia.....or something like that.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Uhoh, you gotta watch that driving while you sleep. Be careful!

Hopefully the graveyard shift is over soon.

Brando said...

BE CAREFUL!! Someone is gonna help me raise these monsters!!!