Sunday, August 31, 2008

Chickens on STRIKE!!!!

Well they gone and done it...... They done went and struck on me. After all I have done for them, they do this. For the past few days we have only gotten 2 eggs out of 8 chickens. I know which ones are holding out.

It's the White Pearls because for about a week now we have only been getting brown eggs and those are layed by the Black Star hens. I think I have figured out the major malfunction..... I haven't been squeezing them hard enough...He he he. NO I am just kidding.

I think I haven't been feeding them enough and it took a while to show and now since I have purchased a new feeder, and there is corn and laying mash a plenty, it will take a while before I see any more production from the hens.

I hope to see some production increases in the next week or so. Not sure how long it takes to get their little systems cranked back up. I may have to concede to their contract demands but, I think daily foot massages and heated roosts are a bit much.

Uh-Oh I've been had!

(The only picture I got of their super secret union meeting before being spotted and flogged back up to the house. I barely made it with the camera intact.)

Wolf Creek Cemetery

Not the site.....The place. Today my sweetie Brando took me to a place I have wanted to go for a while. It wasn't Disney by no means but pretty neat all the same. It was a little known cemetery called Wolf Creek Cemetery. We got the coords off Google and headed on our way. It doesn't have any signage to speak of but it is the only cemetery anywhere close to the original coords which were pretty close. Here is a pic of the small cemetery.

We also ventured a bit further North and went to Wolf Creek State Park. The rangers were really nice and I told them I was sorry they were on the list to be closed down November 1st and our little park was on the block a few years ago and we rose such a stink we pulled it back from the brink of destruction. Ok a bit over dramatic but still it was a good accomplishment. Here is a pic of the state park sign.

Brando and Yuri went on a small hike while I stayed with sleeping Yin in the car. When they came back they had little mites all over there socks and we had to douse them with insect repellent just in case they were biting nasties. Here is a pic of their adventures of Lake Shelbyville.

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. It went way too fast.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm shaven the chickens and pluckin the hogs!

As you can see I added a egg ticker to the blog for a running total. Today we had 5 white and 1 brown. 1 ckicken was confused and layed her egg on the ground. Not sure if the bin was occupied or what. It seems that they prefer the corner nest for laying for that is the only nest we find eggs in. I finally took some pictures with the chicken tractor to full capacity. I built it for 6 chicken comfortably but now I am wondering if it is a bit cramped. In a week or so I plan on letting them out during the day to see how it all works out. I had to modify the bottom to be fitted with a door for access to the bottom for the lazy chickens that dont wanna wait for the corner nest to open up. Like there isn't 2 other nest right beside it. Oh well they are just chickens.

(Here are the girls all up to mischeif)

(This is a shot of the door I added for easy access)

(He is the money shot of the corner nest complete with egg)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chicken Tractor

What is a chicken tractor you might say. Well, a chicken tractor is a portable chicken coop so as they scratch and mess in one area you can move it to another area. These devices usually have handles an wheels to facilitate the moving of these portable pens. We were showing rabbits for 4-H and told some people that we were interested in chickens so they asked how many. We said, "Oh....about six." They said we needed about a dozen. I didn't want to feed the neighborhood with eggs just enough for ourselves and a few for the neighbors so we ended up with 8 chickens. I also failed to mention that we have already had 1 egg. Yeah baby and thats when the big bucks start rollin in.

Here are there fancy digs that though the help of the world wide webs helped me come up with a plan. I hope you like and I hope the chickens don't mind them either.

This is my chicken tractor.

Here is the back hatch to collect the eggs.

Here is the inside. It has 3 bins for the hens to lay there eggs to the left. There is a vent on each side for cross ventilation and a hatch to go below into the bottom where they can eat grass and bugs and enjoy the sun and air. There is also a 5 foot roost up top that is not shown in this picture.

If you are interested in seeing other chicken tractors click here.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

So Far So Good

No more fishes have died and all is well in the pond.

Yesterday Yuri was puking but today seems to be on the mend.

Brando and I purchased a Wii and Wii Fit and have been Wii Wiing it up at the house. I think I will need a day or two for my shoulder and back to recover from Boxing, Golf and Bowling. It is alot of fun but easily overdone.

Yuri sold his rabbit at the 4-H fair. You would not believe what rabbits are going for at this day and age but if I could I would have a rabbit farm. He also did very well at the Horse Show including a first place trophy for his first show. We are really proud of our little Yuri.

Turnaround at work is over until spring of next year which will be the worst one of all, from what everyone is saying. Normal Turnarounds last 3 to 5 weeks this one is scheduled for 8 weeks.

Getting my car worked on to help save gas but I have a feeling that it will cost a mint to get the shitbox out of the shop. I have my fingers crossed.

Cant wait for the Cache Slash Event and even more amped about Halloween. Wish I could get moving on my projects for this year. Maybe this weekend I will get off my but.