Thursday, December 14, 2006

I am down wit it.

Today when awakening I felt a little achy. I went through my normal daily routine. Getup, Groom, Dress, Drink a diet soft drink and out the door I go. I listen to NPR news all the way to work to keep up on current events and also because its the only radio station that does not fade out half way on my 40 minute drive to work. I walked in the door early to help a unit that was in trouble and was getting ready to let my boss know where I was going. I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. I tried to clear my voice and it was a bit better but still hardely audible. I managed to express where I was going through charades and a quick note and off I went. I am now alot better since I have taken some medicine for my throat but still pretty hoarse. I have never lost my voice before and the experience was pretty freeky. Since I am the only one in the plant that can do my job I hope the bug stays at bay and is satisfied with taking my voice for a bit. Hurry up Vacation!!!!

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