Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Page From Ragged
Here is the list:
1. A healthy family- a year ago we did not have this and for this I am unending grateful, optimistic and keeping my fingers crossed just in case the sunny outlook don't quite cut it.
2. A wonderful wife and kids- they are who they are no better or worse but always in my eyes wonderful to whom with my heart and soul is dedicated and will NEVER deviate. Love ya Brando, Yuri & Yin.
3. A wonder wealth of family and friends that I can rely on.- I can't think of anyone in my family or friends that wouldn't take the shirt off their back to help us if we needed help and if the tables are turned and I put in the same situation I hope I am held to this regard also.
4. A home- Not just a shelter that covers my head and not a 40 room mansion but a true home that I can't wait to get to after work or any other travels that we may take. I think Love can even make a cardboard box a home.
5. A job- Not the best job in the world but definitely not the least and I have been blessed with the wisdom to know that even on my worst of worst days that there is worst out there and to stick out the hard times swallow my pride to support my family. These days you are truly blessed if you have a job.
I would like to thank all my family and friends for there work and effort through the Holiday Season. I know that it is not easy to take time from your busy schedules to spend time with us and I am truly blessed to have the family and friends that we do.
I have heard several at my work say that they dread getting together with family or in-laws or what not and I can't really say that I have ever dreaded this and that is something to be thankful for also.
On a religious note I also would like to say that I am so thankful that God loved a sinner like me enough to sacrifice His one and only Son so that I have a choice to one day make it to heaven. I know that I am not perfect and I know I have a long way to go and all of us is sinners from the very get go but for someone to give His life to give me a chance........ I am truly blessed.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What Now???
Monday, December 29, 2008
Out of the Dark Ages

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008
I am ready to head South the my folks house. I hope we get Yin well enough to travel. She has been suffering from a very colorful stomach bug. She showed us her digestive pyrotechnics last night twice in the van, once in the hallway and a couple of times on the couch. Brando called and said she seems to be doing better.
We have cleaned all the stomach paint that was so artfully displayed all over the house with towels. I think we are out of clean towels now. Lets hope the onslaught is over. If she has the same thing as a fellow co-workers child had we are in for a second wave from the other end.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This is a very stressful time for most but I know I put a lot of stress on myself from stuff I can not control and in retro spec really don't matter too much. I have been trying to remind my self to ask myself a question when I find myself obsessing over something. I ask myself will it really matter a year from now? If the answer is yes then continue with the obsession but if not try to drop it from your thoughts. I know....Easier said then done.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Laughed Out Loud
On How I Met Your Mom a Character named Barney made up these songs about his friends sister while looking at her picture in a Christmas Card.
2005 (to the tune of "Jingle Bells"): "Pulling down her pants, yanking off my own, underneath the mistletoe I'll make your sister moan..."
2006 (to the tune of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"): "I wish I could see her naked, I wish I could see her naked, I wish I could see her naked and down on all fours."
2007 (to the tune of The Dradle Song): Ted has a little sister, gets hotter every day. And if I ever I meet her, with her boobies I will play. Everybody! Sister, sister, sister..."
There were a few more that I can not remember but unfortunately for my wife I can't get these out of my head. So now when I am around her I can't help but sing them.
My marriage is just strong enough to manage The Christmas Story but this jumps it to another level.
Monday, December 15, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Times a Comin
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Party
This years party was a murder mystery Christmas party so while chatting the night away we polish off the salad in about 5 minutes and they came to usher the dishes from out table. We waited patiently for them to release us from the table to go through the buffet line for the meal. 20 minute rolled by and nothing but pleasant conversations with our table mates and rumbling tummies. Then 40 minutes passes still nothing.
Then about an hour into the party the two actors for the murder mystery part started their opening act and all I and anyone at the table can think is when are these two yahoos gonna be quite and let everyone eat. I mean the actors were entertaining and funny but rather hard to hear over everyone elses growling stomachs.
Finally an hour and a half after the salad was scarfed they realeased us table by ever so slow table to make our way to the feed troff. It was really really good but I know my hunger played a part in how good it tasted. I also like to mention that the women folk at our table asked me to steal the salads off the vacant tables so they wouldnt starve to death. Being a total gentleman I only had to punch out a lonely couple at one table for the salads.
We left early before even knowing who dunnit. I feel bad for the actors because they were really good but just a victim to bad planning and or timing.
(Insert radom thought here: They had a dish of butter on the table with absolutely no butter knife to spread in on the nice warm rolls except for everyones salad fork that was dirtied from eating except for one that didnt eat the salad. Go figure.)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Our shop accepted a shop policy that states that if your vacation, when first issued for the year, lands in the first three months then you get first pick. These three month rotate to be fair some everyone eventually will get first pick. Well this worked well with about 15 to 20 people in the shop but now we have about 36 people in the shop and I must admit a bunch of crybaby whiners than want to throw a monkey wrench into this policy if they dont get the weeks they want.
The problem is that corporate policy states first come first serve and if there are more people than weeks available then draw names from a hat. But in the hope to guarentee people the week they want every once in a while we adopted the shop policy.
This year I get first pick and if memory serves then this is the first year I have had first pick since hired back in 1999. So everyone in the first 3 months submit there vacation and then after that is locked down then everyone else can jockey for theirs.
Haveing bad luck really sucks and getting screwed all the time when trying to play by the rules really blows too. Some people slipped in their vacation changes in to where instead of only about 6 people putting in for the 6 person quota there was about 12 so the office drew names and guess who got screwed out of next years christmas when it was guarenteed to be mine by shop policy. I also got screwed out of Thanksgiving week too.
The bad thing about this now is that there is nothing I can do and if the Shop forman tries to do anything it will prove that we are going against corporate policy and get his ass in trouble so his hands are tied. The other thing that pisses me off is that one of my so called friends screwed me by getting the Christmas week and when I told him that he screwed me he said, "Too bad for your luck!"
The good thing is that one of the people who also screwed me for Chirstmas week and honestly didnt mean to do it said that when all this crap is over and everyone is settled that he would give me his week but still I am really mad at my so called friend. If he would have offered to make it right I would not have even let him do it but his comment really went through me like a knife. I hope in the near future he does not need me to do anything for him. I will eventually forgive but I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

(Brandos Snowman Street Lamp)
(My House Decorations)
(My Lightshow)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Gettin Ready 4 Turkey N Tucky

Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Busy weekend
1. Changed oil in work car
2. Changed oil in Brandos van
3. Winterized the camper
4. Blew the leaves in the front ditch
5. Burned said leaves
6. Cleaned garage
7. Took stuff to storage bay
8. Cleaned Chicken house
9. Moved rabbits
10. Built nesting boxes for rabbits
11. Sealed up vents under the house for winter
12. Used bail of hay for wind brake for dog house
13. Put hay in dogs house.
I had to get back to work for a rest. We got allot done. I cleaned the gutters and pruned and netted the pond earlier in the week for winter also. My lawn mower needs a battery but I think that I will wait till spring. Also after mulching up about a ton of leaves I notices grass sticking out of the mower deck. Upon closer inspection I see that there is rust holes in the deck. As I clean out the deck a bit I realize that there are several large holes in the deck. I guess that I will have to get someone to weld some plate over the holes cause Brando already said that I aint getting a new mower.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
That Was Halloween

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wolf Creek Cemetery Is HERE!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Wolf Creek Cemetery Coming Soon

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy 15th Wedding Anniversary

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hell Why Not Bail Me Out???
Once again the public tax payer is forced to bail out some big company who's executives lived high on the hog and cooked the book to ride their pony until it dropped. WTF? If I take my money to a casino in Vegas and put it all on one roll of the dice and bust is the federal government gonna bail me out. Hell NO! Id be out on the street as fast as you could bat an eye. What a crock of shit. I know why we are forced to do so not because of all the people who were insured with AIG would be uninsured and there polices would be worth what I flush down the toilet. I feel bad for them but they can get a new policy with a new company unless they are mid claim. However I think that I would be pissed if my retirement was through that company and it when belly up. What a kick in the crotch. I hope they parade the executives that caused this flop out in the middle of the street and give everyone a pair of clippers and as they walk by them clip a piece of them off and then throw and bit of salt where they clipped. I know where I would start first. We are in the mids of a war that is costing us a ton, business that cook the books and fall on there faces and an election year. WTF else could go wrong??? Heaven help us because no one else on this planet seems to have a clue. Maybe we can come up with a bunch of government programs to help deadbeats get mansions to live in. HELL WHY NOT!!! Might as well take all of my check. Its not like I worked for it or anything. This shit really chaffs my cherries.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Wet Rabbits
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Match-o-matic II

Friday, September 12, 2008
Safe at Home

Friday, September 05, 2008
A House Full Of Pizza.....
The chickens are doing well but we only got 3 eggs today. Maybe it is just the cycle of things and not a sign of being unhappy with me. We have 2 dozen in the fridge and when Mammer Jammer comes up this weekend, we hope to have enought to keep everyone filled to the brim with eggs.
We are gearing up for our venture South. We leave for Houston Monday morning and the kiddos will stay with my Mom and Dad. Heaven help them. I know them miss the kids when they are gone but I am sure they will have their fill by time we get back on Friday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Looks like we are in for a bit cooler weather.
The Truth???

I think that the money I pay at the pump is a fine for being part of this global problem. If the fine gets big enough then I personally will find ways to reduce my use of it. The reason big oil hasn't been charge with any wrong doing is because they haven't really done anything wrong. I hate to see people making billions of dollars in profit but in the right context this is not outrageous profits. These companies in prospective are making roughly 10% profit. They have to spend 100 billion a year to make 10 billion profit. They do it because they have the deep pockets to do it.
I wonder what Wal-Marts profit margin is??? I can assure you it is several times over 10%. But they only make several million a year in profit and the public outcry goes unnoticed because of the big oil profit. Most companies couldn't stay in business with only a 10% profit margin when the federal regulations are changed for day to day. Everyday the EPA, OSHA and federal government change the rules on what is legal to do. Can you play a game where the rules change from second to second. How would you feel if you made 10% on your 401k with inflation at 5 to 6%???
Try building a multi million dollar unit as big as a city block in a refinery that will not make you a dime because the EPA mandated that you must have that unit only to say that in 4 years that it is illegal to run that unit. Try opening up a refinery today to help relieve our refining capacity shortfall and see how the EPA will help you. NO NEW REFINERIES HAVE BEEN BUILT SINCE THE 80s AND SINCE THEN SEVERAL HAVE SHUT DOWN DUE TO THE EPA. I wonder why gas is 4 dollars a gallon? Just something to think about.
OK I am off my little soapbox. I am not really pro anything. I would like things to be good for everyone on GODS green Earth, however I don't think we are going to get there by posting information to support my own agenda either. Lets just see how hard we can spin this. The people that need elected will spin this issue which ever way the public opinion needs them to spin it to get elected or reelected. The TRUTH is there really is NO TRUTH just the way it is. There is no politician that is not biased and to think there is you are a fool. If we could spin this hard enough maybe we can spin the Earth fast enough to get rid of this problem, which is all of us. Who is the enemy here? Look in the mirror. I shave the enemies face every day.
My advice for the reader is to not to believe the HYPE of everything you see and hear in the media. Look at several sources of information and make an educated opinion about the subject. The majority of the population seems to make there opinion on what the headlines read in there politically ran daily newspaper. I challenge you to look beyond your own agenda and beyond what people are PAYED to print.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I think The Girls and I have come to an agreement. They will lay the eggs and I will continue to feed and water them. Clause 3 paragraph 2 states that the care giver will make sure the workers of The Girls & Double U Egg Factory, (they get top billing), will provide ample food and water at all times. There was a jocking for position at the signing and they threw in a last minute amendment for an occasional romp around the yard.
Feeling particularly bad about the horrible conditions that The Girls had to endure, I was caught in a weak moment and agreed to all demands. Now I check on there amenities every day when I get home and check on them, of the evening, to see if there are any problems with their accommodations. So far egg production has increased to 4 eggs a day. Now we are seeing white eggs so the offenders are now starting back to work.
What they don't know is that they are working for chicken feed and their union rep. didn't mention anything about a health care or pension plan. I hope they don't get wind of that or I may be hiring scabs. Oh well, they signed a 2 year contract so after the contract is up and they strike again there maybe some jobs on the chopping block. Literally!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Chickens on STRIKE!!!!
It's the White Pearls because for about a week now we have only been getting brown eggs and those are layed by the Black Star hens. I think I have figured out the major malfunction..... I haven't been squeezing them hard enough...He he he. NO I am just kidding.
I think I haven't been feeding them enough and it took a while to show and now since I have purchased a new feeder, and there is corn and laying mash a plenty, it will take a while before I see any more production from the hens.
I hope to see some production increases in the next week or so. Not sure how long it takes to get their little systems cranked back up. I may have to concede to their contract demands but, I think daily foot massages and heated roosts are a bit much.

Uh-Oh I've been had!
(The only picture I got of their super secret union meeting before being spotted and flogged back up to the house. I barely made it with the camera intact.)
Wolf Creek Cemetery

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. It went way too fast.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'm shaven the chickens and pluckin the hogs!

(Here are the girls all up to mischeif)
(This is a shot of the door I added for easy access)
(He is the money shot of the corner nest complete with egg)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Chicken Tractor

This is my chicken tractor.

Here is the back hatch to collect the eggs.

Here is the inside. It has 3 bins for the hens to lay there eggs to the left. There is a vent on each side for cross ventilation and a hatch to go below into the bottom where they can eat grass and bugs and enjoy the sun and air. There is also a 5 foot roost up top that is not shown in this picture.
If you are interested in seeing other chicken tractors click here.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
So Far So Good
Yesterday Yuri was puking but today seems to be on the mend.
Brando and I purchased a Wii and Wii Fit and have been Wii Wiing it up at the house. I think I will need a day or two for my shoulder and back to recover from Boxing, Golf and Bowling. It is alot of fun but easily overdone.
Yuri sold his rabbit at the 4-H fair. You would not believe what rabbits are going for at this day and age but if I could I would have a rabbit farm. He also did very well at the Horse Show including a first place trophy for his first show. We are really proud of our little Yuri.
Turnaround at work is over until spring of next year which will be the worst one of all, from what everyone is saying. Normal Turnarounds last 3 to 5 weeks this one is scheduled for 8 weeks.
Getting my car worked on to help save gas but I have a feeling that it will cost a mint to get the shitbox out of the shop. I have my fingers crossed.
Cant wait for the Cache Slash Event and even more amped about Halloween. Wish I could get moving on my projects for this year. Maybe this weekend I will get off my but.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dead Fishes
I mowed the yard a couple of days ago and while doing so mulched up the 13 dried fish bodies that laid in the yard. They were all dried and pale. I picked one up and it was as light as a feather and the texture of paper. He chipped up nicely into dust. Probably with the kill I wound up losing about 50 or so dollars in fish.
We have been working on 4H projects for this week and the kids and wife have been at a dead run for the past few weeks. First it was bible school, then swim lessons, then 4H. The kids havent had much of a break since school and nether has Brando.
We had some drama down the road and found out that someone came home and found someone sleeping in there bed.........with there spouse. Maybe they were tired. I get tired through the day but I think I would think twice before napping when the hired help is around just incase they get tired and decide to take a nap too. That would be hard to explain. I mean who would sleep on the job anyway. (I am really not that clueless but like to act like I am.)
Hope everyone has a nice weekend. I will be spending it at work.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Well CRAP!!!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Officially OLD
The only difference is maybe that I wake up with more aches and pains than I remember when I was younger but my mind is slipping so I cant even rely on my memories.
I also notice that I have trouble staying on subject when I am blogging so I tend to ramble a bit I hate my work.
I also tend to repeat my self more often than I used to. I also repeat myself more from time to time and also did I mention that I repeat myself?
I am also experiencing trouble getting it up......on outta bed. Yeah if given a chance I would sleep forever and never get up. Sometimes my beloved Brando has to put her foot in my back and give me a shove.
I would type more but I don't have the energy and I forgot what I was gonna type anyway.....OH by the way did I mention that I like to repeat myself?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Flip this Pin
We made it back from Gods Country on Monday and surveyed the damage done by the wind. It is really strange. If so much as a duck farts in our direction the patio furniture will flip and move and the grill will get shoved off the patio. However, these are untouched but Waylon's dog pin was picked up and lifted over a 5 foot fence and placed on its roof about 25 to 30 feet in the field. Most of all the dog is perfectly fine. Mind you this is a 10 X 10 chain link pin with about a 3 hundred pound wood frame and metal panel roof attached to it. Nothing else was touched. It was weird. We got the pin put back but the roof is where the wind left it. Hopefully we will get a bunch of us together and get it put back on.
Being the religion the I am I know the God tests us in many ways to keep our faith in check as well as others that like to toy with us but so far here is a our grade card for the semester.
Earthquakes A
Flood A
Power Outages A
Water Outage A
Dog Pin Flip A-
We have also received information that one of Brando's relatives has some serious health issues. Please keep this person in your thoughts a prayers. I know we will.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Nice visit with the folks.
I was on vacation last week and my honey put me on a honey do list. I had a bunch of stuff I planned on getting done but didnt have the energy to do much of it. Here is a list of things I wanted to do with a asteroid beside what I got done.
1. Clean wash camper for camping
2. Change oil in car
3. Change oil in van *
4. Change oil in truck
5. Vacuum out pond
6. Finish mulching landscaping
7. Wash Brandos Van*
8. Clean garage
These are things that got added from Brando that got completed.
1. Hard wood floor the hallway
2. Rip up carpeting and tack track from hallway and dining room
3. Hardwood floor the kitchen
These are the things she wanted to do but didn't get done.
1. Hardwood floor the dining room
She wants to try to get the dining room done this weekend if the supplies come it. I am not sure if I am looking forward to battling the easy to snap in floor planks. The little 3 inch sections at the store are easy to snap in but the 20 foot section you have to put together and fight in all at once is a bear. Dont believe the hype with these easy to install floors.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Gotta Gun?
Thursday, May 08, 2008
If Ya Wanna Get The Gooduns Ya Gotta Dig Deep
When I stepped into the door today there was something that resembled a turd in the floor. Knowing that cats dont crap in the floor I investigated further. It was a glob of dried up hair aka a hairball about this side of my small finger. I felt bad for the furry fella that it came out of. I checked on the two housemates of my bros and they were just fine.
Then I had to go check on their food. It was bone dry. It went from two heaping bowls to licked clean in two days. Mind you these are not small bowls. The water was fine but I gave them fresh water. I thought to myself where did all that food go to......then I looked in the litter box. HOLY COW does my brother have cats or cows. They were as big as the scooper. I started doing the nasty and when I thought the chore was done I did a cursary scoop then I hit the muther load. I had to put my back into it. I swear it was the size of a small saucer.
It heaved and grunted and thought about figuring out a way to use the cat litter box side as a fulcrum to haul up the stinky mass. Finally the big fella relented and I had just enough strength to dump it in the bag. THUD!!! Double bagging and double knotting was pretty tough when the bag just fits around it. Like the title says, if you wanna get the gooduns ya gotta dig deep. What a whopper. Hurry home bro, I dont think my back can take it.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Rain Rain Rain
I have not been sleeping well. I have had 3 restless nights in a row and I fear another on the way. It does not help when you work for someone who dont think you need sleep either. They called at 2 am last night and have been keeping us working steadily for the past three days on stuff that I think could wait till the next work day. I am getting tired, stressed and angry about the whole situation. Last night I called my bosses boss to let him know how we are being treated like robots, working on mindless stuff that can wait till the next day just because someone out there said they didn't want to wait and wanted it fixed tonight. This mentality has got to stop. Working an 8 hour day and coming home to catch up on the stuff you got behind on around the house from working the 5 of the last 7 month 12 hour days 7 days a week. You are lucky to get in the house before dark which is about 8 o'clock. You start to wind down for bed and around 9:30 pm the phone rings wanting you to come in and work 8 to 10 more hours with no sleep. This is very very dangerous and the physical stress is starting to show in our shop. I wish someone at my work would please grow a brain and save us from this situation.
The pond is as full as I have ever seen it from the rain. If it keeps this up the fish will have to swim. (Chalk that one up to fatigue and stress) Have a nice week everyone and hope you get to enjoy the weekend. Don't look like I will. There is no end in sight.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Back to Normal
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God All Mighty Free At Last
Since turnaround, here is a list of things I have missed:
1. Being able to console my family from the death of a family member.
2. Being able to console my family from the death of a family pet.
3. Being home to make sure my family was safe due to a earthquake.
4. My boys last 2 basketball games where I was told he did quite well.
5. Countless tumbling practices for my daughter.
6. Countless piano practices for my son.
7. Mowing my yard the first few times. My wife and kids had to pick up my slack.
These are just a few that I can come up with recently that happened. I am sure there are a ton more that I missed out on closer to the beginning.
I would just like to take this time to say thank you to all my family members and especially my wonderful wife and kids for putting up with me though the duration of this turnaround.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Shaken but yet to be stirred
Seepy Time
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Whats this?! Another Post?!
What is the most difficult part of blogging? Well that would be the topic of today's post. Some people will say it is coming up with a topic. Some will say that getting up the nerve to type what you are thinking on a somewhat public forum. While others will say that it is finding a relevant thought that conveys the feeling between blogger and reader.
However, I think the hardest part is to get a screwdriver under the G and H keys to pop them out of the keyboard. Why, you may ask? Because I need to make a space for my nose to fit while I am rolling my face back and forth across the keyboard. And THAT is what make an a award winning blog. I would categorize about 98% of my posts fall into this prestigious category. But what do I know. It is clinically proven that 11/10ths of the population have trouble with fractions.
Ramblings of a tired mind
1. The improper us of common punctuation@
2, The inability to edit tipos>
4. Unable to figure out numeral order
1.5 Not able to have a coherent thought in said melon
E. What are nuumber?
Green: You add a pound of sugar to your cup of coffee to stay awake.
There you have it the official way to figure out the worlds most official way to figure out the worlds most official way to get the right things you need to survive sleepfullnessly.
Thanks for tuning in to find out the mental state of the person taping his fingers on the keyboard. There maybe hope one day for some rest.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
What am I gonna post about you may ask? Well what else have I been doing for the last 6 months of my life.....working......and endless amount of work due to back to back, pushed back due to gas crack spreads (yes I said it.....CRACK SPREAD! he he he) Turnarounds. And we have yet another one in July through to August. How do I cope you may ask? Well the first thing you do is take all the photos of your life outside of work and shove them in a locker so you can see how happy you were when you had a family and a life.
The pictures that remind you that you had a life just depresses you anyway. I mean, who really needs a loving wife and two wonderful kids. By now I bet they don't even know who I am any more. All I need to do is send my money home and pull up a cot and stay here 24/7. I have everything a person could need right conversing with idiots......frustration with simple tasks.........and a wall to bang my head against.....what more could a man want.
Is it selfish of me to want a normal life? For my kids to not look at me as a stranger as I drag myself through the house on the way to the bed? Yeah I bet it is. If I really needed it, my work would have provided it for me. Sorry for all the complaining but this post comes after working 30-12hr days straight and then being swung to 12 hr nights with about another week or so to go. All this while trying to deal with the death of a family member, a death of a family pet and an earthquake. When does the fun ever stop???? Please go outside and take a deep breath for me. I will be a bit before I will have the luxury.
(crack spread is money spent per brl of oil vrs money made per brl of product recently 70 cents)