Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nice visit with the folks.

My folks was up this last week and we tried to spend as much time as possible with them. But, with the warm weather of spring, all the cookouts, birthday partys and ect came outta the woodwork and took some of our time away. I always miss my mommy and daddy when they go.

I was on vacation last week and my honey put me on a honey do list. I had a bunch of stuff I planned on getting done but didnt have the energy to do much of it. Here is a list of things I wanted to do with a asteroid beside what I got done.

1. Clean wash camper for camping
2. Change oil in car
3. Change oil in van *
4. Change oil in truck
5. Vacuum out pond
6. Finish mulching landscaping
7. Wash Brandos Van*
8. Clean garage

These are things that got added from Brando that got completed.

1. Hard wood floor the hallway
2. Rip up carpeting and tack track from hallway and dining room
3. Hardwood floor the kitchen

These are the things she wanted to do but didn't get done.

1. Hardwood floor the dining room

She wants to try to get the dining room done this weekend if the supplies come it. I am not sure if I am looking forward to battling the easy to snap in floor planks. The little 3 inch sections at the store are easy to snap in but the 20 foot section you have to put together and fight in all at once is a bear. Dont believe the hype with these easy to install floors.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I'm exhausted just after reading your list. Whew.