Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shirk Happens!

To all my blogger fans, I must admit that I have shirked my responsibilities in blogging. And with that I apologize. Around the first of December my work sent out an email to everyone that there was a huge dip in bandwidth in there company that was affecting performance of the business communication with Findlay, Ohio. One of the problems that could have caused this dip is the fact that there has been abnormal traffic to youtube.com and personal blogs. Therefore you are not to go to those sites or suffer the consequences. So there in a nutshell is why I haven't blogged because I use to do most of it while I was at work and on breaks. This will cool down in a bit and the majority of the employees will start slowly going back to those sites but until the cool down period has expired I will have to blog from home. Sorry it took me so long. Maybe I will set a record and post 2 posts in January. Everyone hold your breath........

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Your readers have missed you. . . but don't want to crash the network. Sorry to have teased you about your absence.