Look at these poor Caribou obviously upset about the oil rig encroaching on there territory. I bet the Caribou would like something more aesthetically pleasing like a Starbucks Coffee House on there block. I bet property values would soar then.
This is what you see in the media about the drill site in the Arctic National Refugee.

This is what is really there.
What??? You can't see anything??? That's because at there proposed drill site there is nothing to see. Nothing but a few Caribou. Don't get me wrong, I think that we do need to reduce our use of oil both foreign and domestic but unfortunately the technology to do so isn't there yet. It is on the horizon but until then we need a plan to help everyone out. I personally don't gripe about what I pay at the pump. I pay the same price as everyone else out there and I along with everyone else that has and operates a gasoline or diesel combustion engine are part of the problem.
I think that the money I pay at the pump is a fine for being part of this global problem. If the fine gets big enough then I personally will find ways to reduce my use of it. The reason big oil hasn't been charge with any wrong doing is because they haven't really done anything wrong. I hate to see people making billions of dollars in profit but in the right context this is not outrageous profits. These companies in prospective are making roughly 10% profit. They have to spend 100 billion a year to make 10 billion profit. They do it because they have the deep pockets to do it.
I wonder what Wal-Marts profit margin is??? I can assure you it is several times over 10%. But they only make several million a year in profit and the public outcry goes unnoticed because of the big oil profit. Most companies couldn't stay in business with only a 10% profit margin when the federal regulations are changed for day to day. Everyday the EPA, OSHA and federal government change the rules on what is legal to do. Can you play a game where the rules change from second to second. How would you feel if you made 10% on your 401k with inflation at 5 to 6%???
Try building a multi million dollar unit as big as a city block in a refinery that will not make you a dime because the EPA mandated that you must have that unit only to say that in 4 years that it is illegal to run that unit. Try opening up a refinery today to help relieve our refining capacity shortfall and see how the EPA will help you. NO NEW REFINERIES HAVE BEEN BUILT SINCE THE 80s AND SINCE THEN SEVERAL HAVE SHUT DOWN DUE TO THE EPA. I wonder why gas is 4 dollars a gallon? Just something to think about.
OK I am off my little soapbox. I am not really pro anything. I would like things to be good for everyone on GODS green Earth, however I don't think we are going to get there by posting information to support my own agenda either. Lets just see how hard we can spin this. The people that need elected will spin this issue which ever way the public opinion needs them to spin it to get elected or reelected. The TRUTH is there really is NO TRUTH just the way it is. There is no politician that is not biased and to think there is you are a fool. If we could spin this hard enough maybe we can spin the Earth fast enough to get rid of this problem, which is all of us. Who is the enemy here? Look in the mirror. I shave the enemies face every day.
My advice for the reader is to not to believe the HYPE of everything you see and hear in the media. Look at several sources of information and make an educated opinion about the subject. The majority of the population seems to make there opinion on what the headlines read in there politically ran daily newspaper. I challenge you to look beyond your own agenda and beyond what people are PAYED to print.
Before anyone comments this post is as it is. A stand alone post resulting from the badgering of people about high gas prices and the fact that I have had no sleep for several days. Hope to be less preachy in the near future.
Hey bubby, Sometimes the truth hurts. Are you suggesting that these things are made up and spun by the media? This isn't the same media that beat Baracks middle name over our head. Flash his picture in a turbon to make him Muslim and I have a problem with the last Republican party scareing its people into voting for them with the threat of terrorism and gay marrage. This current Republician party states they are a maverick and all about change when McCain voted the same as "W" 95% of the time. Doesn't seem like alot of change and free thinking going on there. Palin is a vitrual unknown without alot of experience. These are the same statements spun negatively about Obama but the Republicans don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with the Republicans spinning things about the Democrates as BAD when they have done the exact same things without even thinking about how it makes them looks. They look like a bunch of idiots. A bunch of idiots I can't and won't vote for. During the republican convention Rudy Giuliani belittled Baracks community leadership role and got a laugh about it. I remember another community leader that "Had a Dream" and was shot for what he stood for. Rudy Giuliani is an ASS for this statement. If you think these statements are spun or false then you are entitled to your own opinion. I've done the research. Love you, Bro
Pilot steps down from his soapbox.
Glad to know that you are one that looks beyond what the media spins. Different publications spin their own way. Not all media is Demo or Rep so that is really the way it is. All media does is reflect the opinions of who is paying the bill for their publication. You should know that. As you know I did not bad mouth any politcal party as you seem to need to do to make the other seem better. Unfortunatly, they are both about equally bad. I know that when Obama makes it into office there will be a chicken in every pot and money will fall from the skys. Im gonna hold my breath on that one. It really dont matter who is in the White House. The stage is set with many powerful people and you can feel all good inside by voting when it really wont make a difference. I am not campaiging for McCain and I will not campaign for Obama that has not voted against partial birth abortions in the third trimester where babies are allowed to die in hospital soiled linen closets. These babies have a birth and death certificate. A normal moral person would see this as murder. A nurse and doctor is allowed to do this and it is called abortion and a mom does this it is call abandonment. These are the children that need to live to see the animals in Alaska. In this I believe he is an immoral person and I can not vote for him. This is true, I have done the research also. Who is better? A person that wants to drill in a preserve and help fight the people who slammed planes into the WTC and plans to try and fix the economy as best he can with what he has, which is his hands already tied behind his back or a baby killer? You decide?
Love you too Bro and I relequish the soapbox once again.
I too don't like the idea of late term abortions but I do believe that women should have a choice. A choice to do what they think is right for them. I do however believe that educationing our young people in teen pregnancy and making birth control more available to teenagers might decrease the number of unwanted births and in the like all abortions. The Replublican seem to think if they ignore this situations and teach abstinence only, that this problem will magically go away. If we abolish Row vs Wade then we will have women bleeding to death and physically and mentally handicapped children being born from failed back alley and self performed coat hanger abortions. We have been down that road before and know where that leads. I don't pretend to have all the answers. It's amazing that the Republicans want every child to be born but don't want to help feed and cloathes these children once they are here. You can thank Senator Hubert H. Humphrey a Democrate from Minn. for that little thing called government sponsered child care or WIC. This is ugly business and Pro Choice or Pro Life comes with consequences. I just think I can live with the Pro Choice ones better than the other. Like I said you belive what you want but don't think I am kidding myself into thinking that if Obama takes the White House then the streams will flow with milk and honey. I just believe that it will be a darn site better than the last 8 years have been and I am not willing to give another Republican and shot. Boy, that soapbox is getting taller every time I step on it.
Get your boots on because it will get even deeper. I have said several times in my post that I am not campaigning for Rep or Dem and it dont matter one way or another or both parties are equally bad. I would think that by now you would know that I may be a regerstered Republican that does not agree blindly with them. I am also PRO CHOICE but the choice needs to be made earlier and not just before the kid pops out. This is not a black and white issue and needs to be looked at on a case by case basis. Like a 14 year old girl that has been raped and preg but dont know it finding out in the last trimester that she is preg what do you do? These things require hard decision to be made. Not really sure why you lump me in with the dyed in the wool Republicans all the time. My original post was about prices at the pump and why are we not doing anything to help people that can not afford gas. DRILL DRILL DRILL for now. We can always shut it down when the tech gets here to help demand go down. You get a bunch of these hippy tree huggers that say the refuge is sacred ground. Lets fix this now and not later get the security back in the states by useing as much domestic oil as we have but keep prices high enough to keep new energy technologies funded and rolling. Too big an influx of oil for us will cause prices to drop and then the tech will be a flash in the pan and gone until the next crisis. I didnt slam Demos until my comment. I am done slamming Demos and will not be reduced to it again. I hope that I can get the same courtacy as I have now granted. We hear the verbal pokes and jabs and prods and try to ignore them. Like I said I may be a regestered Rep but I have a brain and dont vote straight ticket. I wish Independants were strong enought to make a good showing. Your attack was strickly against rep and my rebutal was an explenation and your comment was an attack on Rep so then I retaliated. Hope in the future we will learn not to bad mouth each others religion or politics infront of each other or on blogs.
My attack isn't on Religion at all and only toward the main stream Republican idealism. As you aren't straight ticket repulican, I am not straight ticket Democrate. I agree and disagree on gun control. I believe we should have guns to hunt and other activities but I don't think there should be legal automatic weapons sold in the US. There is nothing wrong with a little healthy debate. It allows others to maybe see from another point of view or see things in away they haven't considered. It is all very complex. As far as pointing the finger at Republicans other than the word Conservatives I can think of no other label to give them in a public forum. If you want to stop this on a public format but continue the dabate then you know my email address. Have a good day :)
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