Today I have been married to my wonderful, marvelous and I must admit sexy wife for 15 years. Whats that??? Did I hear someone yell bullshit in the crowd. Yes, I can understand why everyone may think that I am telling a fib but it is true. There is someone on Gods green Earth that can stand my ugly ass this long. It came as quite a surprise to me also.
If you are reading this I would like for you to stand up..... Go ahead stand up.
Now lets put our hands together and give Brando a round of applause. (Go ahead Brando take a bow.) Ok, thats enough... Now everyone please bow your heads in prayer and pray to give Brando the strength to endure my worthless hiney hole for a few more years. (A few more years is about all I can reasonable ask for. I mean she is a wonderful person but shes no saint. Lets get real here.)
Brando, all kidding aside, I want you to know that you are the light of my life, the sun of my day and the stars of my night. I couldn't begin to think of living this life without you. You are the central hub of the family and a wonderful Mom and wife. I surely was blessed to have been given the chance to be a part of your life. I love you and will always love you until time itself doesn't exist. You are truly my one and only love..... You might say, my SOUL MATE. But who really believes in that stuff anyway?
I love you!!
And if I believed in Soul Mates you would be mine.
Happy Anniversary, I am sure I will keep you around a few more years. Retirement is soon! ;)
Happy Anniversary!
Happy, Happy anniversary. You got you a good one.
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