Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dead Fishes

Well the final count for dead fish is 13. Ooooooooooo what a scarey number. Most of the fish that died were the smaller ones and only a couple of mid size but it looks like all of the bigger fish made it though. I was starting to wonder because one of the bigger koi quit eating for a couple of days and started breaching out of the water on occation which is unusual. He calmed back down and started eating and acting normal. The water pump has been running ever since I installed it to help get the O2 level back up. All seems well now in the pond.

I mowed the yard a couple of days ago and while doing so mulched up the 13 dried fish bodies that laid in the yard. They were all dried and pale. I picked one up and it was as light as a feather and the texture of paper. He chipped up nicely into dust. Probably with the kill I wound up losing about 50 or so dollars in fish.

We have been working on 4H projects for this week and the kids and wife have been at a dead run for the past few weeks. First it was bible school, then swim lessons, then 4H. The kids havent had much of a break since school and nether has Brando.

We had some drama down the road and found out that someone came home and found someone sleeping in there bed.........with there spouse. Maybe they were tired. I get tired through the day but I think I would think twice before napping when the hired help is around just incase they get tired and decide to take a nap too. That would be hard to explain. I mean who would sleep on the job anyway. (I am really not that clueless but like to act like I am.)

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. I will be spending it at work.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Uhoh. . . dead fish, scandal up the road. It's mayhem.