Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Rain Rain Rain

Today was.....well you guessed it, rainy. It has flooded the yard, field and roads around the house. I stepped outside briefly to unclog the downspouts on the gutters so they wouldnt get ripped off the side of the house from the weight. I was a bit cold after doing this and so I had to take a nice hot shower and a warm cup of coffee topped off the evening.

I have not been sleeping well. I have had 3 restless nights in a row and I fear another on the way. It does not help when you work for someone who dont think you need sleep either. They called at 2 am last night and have been keeping us working steadily for the past three days on stuff that I think could wait till the next work day. I am getting tired, stressed and angry about the whole situation. Last night I called my bosses boss to let him know how we are being treated like robots, working on mindless stuff that can wait till the next day just because someone out there said they didn't want to wait and wanted it fixed tonight. This mentality has got to stop. Working an 8 hour day and coming home to catch up on the stuff you got behind on around the house from working the 5 of the last 7 month 12 hour days 7 days a week. You are lucky to get in the house before dark which is about 8 o'clock. You start to wind down for bed and around 9:30 pm the phone rings wanting you to come in and work 8 to 10 more hours with no sleep. This is very very dangerous and the physical stress is starting to show in our shop. I wish someone at my work would please grow a brain and save us from this situation.

The pond is as full as I have ever seen it from the rain. If it keeps this up the fish will have to swim. (Chalk that one up to fatigue and stress) Have a nice week everyone and hope you get to enjoy the weekend. Don't look like I will. There is no end in sight.

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