Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Today I came out of the house to a flat tire. I screamed, "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!" Next I went to the gas station to fill up and had to wait for a pump. Once again I yelled, "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!" Then, on the way to work, I almost hit a deer crossing the rode. "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!!" After finally arriving at work from all this, I find out that half the parking lot in closed and the other half is full. What did I say you might ask yourself? You guessed it. "DAMN YOU OBAMA!!!!"

I don't really blame him for all of this. I don't think he had anything to do with the deer. Its just kinda fun to say and I will thoroughly enjoy saying it for the next 4 years......Who knows?...Maybe 8.

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

I've been saying "Damn you, Bush" for the past 8 years, so have fun. :)