Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ramblings of a tired mind

If you dont know.....I am officially tired. I have been tired for a while..... Not sure exactly when it struck me but I do know that it has. What is the symptoms of a tired mind? Well lets list the ones that have entered my overworked pea size melon.

1. The improper us of common punctuation@
2, The inability to edit tipos>
4. Unable to figure out numeral order
1.5 Not able to have a coherent thought in said melon
E. What are nuumber?
Green: You add a pound of sugar to your cup of coffee to stay awake.
There you have it the official way to figure out the worlds most official way to figure out the worlds most official way to get the right things you need to survive sleepfullnessly.

Thanks for tuning in to find out the mental state of the person taping his fingers on the keyboard. There maybe hope one day for some rest.

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