Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hows everyone out there in blogger land???? Just wanted to drop a few lines to all those that tune in every six months or so to see if Rudy has gotten off his lazy A$$ to post. Well I have and it will be a dooooozy of a post.

What am I gonna post about you may ask? Well what else have I been doing for the last 6 months of my life.....working......and endless amount of work due to back to back, pushed back due to gas crack spreads (yes I said it.....CRACK SPREAD! he he he) Turnarounds. And we have yet another one in July through to August. How do I cope you may ask? Well the first thing you do is take all the photos of your life outside of work and shove them in a locker so you can see how happy you were when you had a family and a life.

The pictures that remind you that you had a life just depresses you anyway. I mean, who really needs a loving wife and two wonderful kids. By now I bet they don't even know who I am any more. All I need to do is send my money home and pull up a cot and stay here 24/7. I have everything a person could need right conversing with idiots......frustration with simple tasks.........and a wall to bang my head against.....what more could a man want.

Is it selfish of me to want a normal life? For my kids to not look at me as a stranger as I drag myself through the house on the way to the bed? Yeah I bet it is. If I really needed it, my work would have provided it for me. Sorry for all the complaining but this post comes after working 30-12hr days straight and then being swung to 12 hr nights with about another week or so to go. All this while trying to deal with the death of a family member, a death of a family pet and an earthquake. When does the fun ever stop???? Please go outside and take a deep breath for me. I will be a bit before I will have the luxury.

(crack spread is money spent per brl of oil vrs money made per brl of product recently 70 cents)


Brando said...

Who are you? Have you seen my hubbie? Really good looking guy. brown hair and nice legs. ;)

You were so great yesterday. Thanks for all the help with the horse. Sorry I had to wake you up.

I love you lots and lots.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I'm worn out just hearing about your long hours. And I know your family misses you as much as you miss them.

Ramblin73 said...

Monte my long lost brother. Where have you been? I thought I had lost you. Hope this crap is over soon so we can spend some time together. I miss you bro.