As you can see I added a egg ticker to the blog for a running total. Today we had 5 white and 1 brown. 1 ckicken was confused and layed her egg on the ground. Not sure if the bin was occupied or what. It seems that they prefer the corner nest for laying for that is the only nest we find eggs in. I finally took some pictures with the chicken tractor to full capacity. I built it for 6 chicken comfortably but now I am wondering if it is a bit cramped. In a week or so I plan on letting them out during the day to see how it all works out. I had to modify the bottom to be fitted with a door for access to the bottom for the lazy chickens that dont wanna wait for the corner nest to open up. Like there isn't 2 other nest right beside it. Oh well they are just chickens.

(Here are the girls all up to mischeif)
(This is a shot of the door I added for easy access)
(He is the money shot of the corner nest complete with egg)
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