Monday, November 17, 2008


Yesterday my little girls set a new aahh yard record for our house but still an impressive feat none the less. I got 8 eggs out of 8 chickens. Did I hear someone yell bullshit? No I promise you that is what happened because the night before I forgot to get the eggs at the normal time and it was waaaaay after dark and when I got them they were all nice and cold from not being sat on for a while. So I am sure there were no eggs left from the day before. I am proud of the girls for stepping up to get this achievement that is something to crow about. So far the lights have seemed to work. I have a 40 watt light in the coop and Christmas lights strung around the bottom so were ever they are bombarded by some light to help them lay. I have the lights on a timer so they do get dark for sleepy time but with the days getting short and the nights getting long every little bit helps. It causes havoc on the egg laying. Scientist have even tested the effects of light on blind chickens and it will even improve egg laying with them also. It is said that the light rays, specifically the red spectrum, is absorbed through their skull to their brain to stimulate egg production. WHOD A THUNK IT???


Brando said...

I love me some hard working chicks!

Rudy said...

Thats how you get pecker & mouths disease. /snicker

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I think the chickens are overachievers, they just wanted blog praise.