Monday, November 26, 2007
Another Day in Turnaround
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Long Hiatis (sp)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Like I said.... In 3s.
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Clock Strikes 2!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
All OK but 1

Friday, July 20, 2007
Sickly Fishies

Gettin around to Postin

Thursday, July 12, 2007
New Addictions

Also I am really excited about tonight. Tonight Brando, Hope, Clod, Yuri and I will be going to see the new Harry Potter movie. I cant wait. I am so glad that Brando asked her mom to watch Yin so we can go out for the evening. I will make sure and give a review of the movie in the next posts.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Dumber than dirt
Thursday, July 05, 2007
New Transformers Trailer
Just saw it and I must say that it was pretty good. I was a little too busy to follow in parts and sometimes I was confused about which bot was good and which was bad but I would give it a high 4 out of 5.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Big Bangin Weekend

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Home again
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Shaken Not Sturred
Yesterday, a friend for work gave me 5 HUGE Goldfish. I mean scaling and eaten HUGE. Well As soon as my plane touches down I call home to find out that one fish is MIA. My mind started to race with all the things that could have happened to this fish. I mean for this fish to up and vanish would be a pretty big feat. After about an hour of stomach churning worry about this poor fish and what I am going to tell my friend, I get a call that the thing has been hiding in a spot under a rock we didn't know existed until now. Now my stomach is still in knots but I am waiting for something else to happen since I am so conveniently close. Maybe the pond will catch fire next.
Haven't been here an hour and want to go home. I guess I will start climbing the walls. Maybe be in the next Spider man movie. His new villain Nervous Wreck. I just need a full body suit and some Speedos with an emblem of someone biting their finger nails on the chest.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Holiday World or Bust

Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Where has the week gone????
Saturday we went to Mom and Dads to spend a few days. We had fun talking with family and riding the lawn mower and 4 wheeler around the safari trail. We also had fun getting a golf cart back to the house after the alternator quite charging. Hopefully it will get repaired before it leaves someone else stranded. Mom and Dad bought an inflatable pool and it was nice and warm on Monday so we all took a dip while Mom put her feet in the water.
Tuesday morning we got around and rounded up the stuff for our return trip up North to home. Brando stopped at Eville and bought me a few fish for my pond and we purchase a pool from Sam's for the kids. After we got home, we were pooped to do much so we rested.
The next day we set up the pool and started filling it. Since it was hot, we decided to go inside and watch a movie. The kids and Brando watched Everyone's Hero in the living room while I watched Pans Labyrinth in the bedroom. About 20 minutes to the ending I started getting a little headache so I took a Tylenol. After the movie was over I was sick with a full blown Migraine. I suffered from 2 pm till 7 pm when I threw up everything I had eaten before 2pm that was still in my stomach. I took a quick cool bath and at 9 pm got up to watch Ghost hunters still suffering. The left side of my head had let up but the right was still throbbing like a robins ass. When Ghost hunters went off I went straight to bed. I rolled around a bit wondering if I would be able to fall asleep but then I woke up in the morning with my head back to normal but my stomach was still a bit queasy.
Around noon I ate something and my stomach started to settle. And this is now Thursday. We went to Wally world and I purchased a couple of pots for my pond plants and we picked up a fan module for the van. We got home and I re potted the plants and checked the chemicals in the pool. We also put the solar cover on the pool to help warm it up. It was 72 degrees yesterday. While trekking back and forth to the dirt pile re potting plants. I nearly had a heart attack when I came very close to stepping on a snake. After pitching the snake in the field and getting the yard picked up, we went inside.
Today is Yuris Birthday and I went into his room this morning to sing him Happy Birthday. Who knows what this day has in store.
Friday, May 18, 2007
1. I hate beer but drink it around the guys to fit in.
2. I had really bad second thoughts on our second adoption but thank the Lord above that Brando convinced me because I wouldn't trade Yin or Yuri for the world.
3. I loved my wife in the 6th grade, as much as a 6th grader could love someone other than family, and constantly held a flame in my heart throughout all the years we spent apart until we got together after high school. She is the love of my life and always will be.
4. I constantly wonder what other people think about me and I hate being that way.
5. My dad is my hero and role model.
6. I only have nightmares about tornadoes but love to watch them on video.
7. My favorite movie is Aliens.
9. I cant remember numbers and suck at math.
Thanks Hope for tagging me. Pilot, tag your it.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Near the home stretch when....

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Pond update
Monday, May 07, 2007
Dog Tired
Monday, April 30, 2007
Holy Cow, Where has the time gone?
Later that evening we visited with the folks and they stopped by the house to visit and see the pond. Pilot ran home to get the tripod to take the great photos that you see below in the previous post. I wish I knew how to use my crappy camera. It was a very full and fun weekend.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Take a Look
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
On Rudy Pond
Monday, April 23, 2007
Mr. Sandman....Where the hell are you?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
April 16th Progress shot
April 21st Progress shots
waterfall and circulator done and working
April 22nd Progress shot at night
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Brandos a Genius
Here is what it looks like.
Here is a shot from the inside complete with kitchen set and lightsaber.
The next project was super secret so I cant tell you about it but it is an expansion of the old goldfish pond by the patio. Ooops I told you. Anyhow it is back breaking, muscle straining work. We dug the pond for 2 days with only working on it about 6 hours total. I was really impressed on how far we got in such a short amount of time and I could not have done it without the help from my Father-in Law, G and my wonder Bro, Pilot. They were both big help in getting this project off the ground. With the pond dug and the liner installed, I placed the garden hose in the pond and started filling it just as the rain started to fall at 8 oclock Tuesday night. I was happy to get this liner in before the bad weather but we had to work like dogs to do it. Thanks for all the hard work.
Here is what the pond looks like now. It is kind of hard to see but you can tell how much bigger it is going to be compared to the old pond.
Yes we had a wonderful weekend. I would like to thank Ragged and Cynical for having us over and inviting us to the local Japanese Steak House for lunch. From the sound of it, with the amount of the good food that lunch offered, we would not have survived supper. Maybe next time we will make an attempt.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Where To Stick It?