Thursday, April 19, 2007


Today I wanted to ketchup on some projects. The super secret eyes only fish pond is going swimmingly. With tons of effort from Pilot it is going to look really nice. I cant wait to enjoy the fruits of our labor. I have been taking pictures as we go to show you how it is going but the pics are at home and I am at work. I will try and post some in the comming days. We have the pond mostly filled and three layers of rock around the pond. Brando picked out a beautiful rock yesterday for the point and we got it placed just before sundown. I have alot of work to do on the waterfall but it should start falling into place in the next few days. I am just trying to hide all the wires and hoses and try to think ahead so I would have to redo things several times if the first attempt dont work so well. Wish me luck and pass the Tylenol.


K_Dense73 said...

I've been trying to mustard up the courage to comment on your blog.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

You guys are such a busy bunch. I wish some of that "gumption" would rub off on us.