(My idea when the project started)
Here let me give you some suggestions. Yesterday while I was a work, Brando called a let me know that the turbo tube slide we have been eyeing for a while was in stock at the E,ville Home Depot. She called down to have them hold one for us to find out when she got there that they were sold out. After she just about came uncorked on them they said that they set one asside for us and they would get it loaded in my truck. She arrives home at around 5 oclock and I start assembling the slide. Every once in a while I glance over at the perfect spot to where this slide will attach to the playset from hell with minimal retro fitting of the exsisting playset. We would have to move one support board and remove the fence perlings of the tower and cut and move the bottom skirt board. Attach the slide and all would be done with chillin sliding to my hearts content. We would however loose the trapeze bar and move the swings together. Also you would not be able to have two kids swing and slide at the same time for safety. After we got the slide assembled, Brando throws a big ole monkey wrench in the works as usual. She wants the slide to come off the back of the house instead of the tower. I was fuming. I made the statement that if the slide dont go on the tower then I will take it back to the store. Now with having the slide coming of off the back I will need to make alot more changes than just 4 or 5 boards. Now I will have to cut and move a fence to get rid of a door way, remove , cut and reinstall the boards below the window, install a new 2X4 frame for the slide to attach to the opening and hopefully not have to cut the decorative board at the top of the window to allow a bigger opening to the slide. I must admit that it will be more functional there but to do all this work, I hope it looks ok when I am done. Also I think it would be easier just to tell the kids that if someone is swinging that you cannot use the slide. What a pain in the butt.
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