Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Like I said.... In 3s.

A few days ago we were looking in the pond and for a while now we have seen a little black shadow of a fish. It is much smaller than the rest so we suspect that it has spawned in the pond. Well after waiting for it to get a little bigger to get a better look we have see that there is not just one fish but at least three new smaller fish. We are pretty excited over the new arrivals and cant wait for them to grow so they are easier to see and are not so quick. I cant even think about netting them because they are lightening fast. Hope to see more new fish in the future. Lost two but gained three.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Readers demand Halloween photos!

Ramblin73 said...

Is someone going to get away from World of Warcraft and work and post on their blog?????