A couple of weeks ago one of my fish that has bug eyes looked like one of his eyes was a little larger than the other. I kept an eye on him (No pun intended) and in a couple of days it was really noticeably bigger and with investigation and Googling told me he suffered from an infection called Popeye. That night I made a run to the store to get a remedy for my ailing fish and cooped him up and placed him in the aquarium where I will treat him and his tank mates. After a full week of the remedy, I still don't notice an improvement but I think it has stopped getting worse. Hopefully time will tell if his eye will go back to normal. While this was going on we decided to put the tank in Yuri's room. So we drained the tank about 2/3 rds empty and moved the tank. I filled the tank half way full and let it set about an hour with the aerator running to help get rid of the chlorine in the water. Then I filled the tank up and finally found my chemical dechlorinator and added it in. I noticed the fish acting lethargic and sleepy but it is darker in his room than where it normally sat. After a day I could tell the fish were obviously stressed big time. They lay at the bottom of the tank barely moving there gills to breath. I started to notice little white dots on the Black moor Goldfish aka Bo Bo. I quickly went over to my Mom in laws house and got her Ick remedy and added to the tank as well as adding the Popeye remedy to help with any other baddies in the tank. Yesterday morning the tank was still with stressed out fishies but by time I got home last night the fishes looked like they where back to normal. Unfortunately the stress has reeked havoc with the Orandas fins. Hopefully in time she will look back to normal again. I feel so bad for what these little fish have gone through.
1 comment:
Ragged had the same problem. I slathered on some vaseline and popped that eye back in and she was as good as new. :p
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