Sunday, March 05, 2006

Run...Run for your lives..

Crap... Im it. Well my answers will just about be a carbon copy of my bros, (Pilot). Well here goes nothing.

4 Jobs I have had

1. Bag boy at the Bport IGA- I loved squeezing the Charmin
2. Bag boy at the Sumner Key Market- I loved rotating stock
3. Electronics Tech for Orion Sales- repairing TVs, VCRs, Camcorders and Digital Cameras
4. Instrument Tech for an Oil Company- specializing in Electronic Systems Controls

4 goals I have set for the year

1. Be more patient with my family and my chillens
2. Be more patient with my job
3. Spend more time with family and friends
4. Get in better shape

4 movies I could watch over and over

1. A Christmas Story- Youll shoot your eye out.
2. Aliens- Best kick @ss movie ever
3. The Village- Never saw it coming
4. Predator- 2nd best kick @ss movie ever

4 places I've lived (copied from my bros blog cause were twins)

1. South Western Kentucky (birth to age 7)
2. Southern Indiana ( for 1 year )
3. Southern Illinois - in the country ( Age 12 to Age 20)
4. Southern Illinois - on the outskirts of town

4 TV shows I love to watch

1. Lost- Awesome show
2. Battlestar Galactica- Awesome shootem up space show
3. Family Guy- So stupid that even I can laugh about it
4. Ghost Hunters- Interested in the supernatural

4 Favorite vacation spots

1. Camping anywhere with family and friends
2. Kentucky with family and friends
3. Orlando Florida- went twice with as a child and once with my wife. Would like to take the kids soon
4. Any place my work wants to send me and foot the bill as long as I can take my family

4 web sites I visit

1. Brandos Blog
2. Friends Blogs (see who Im reading)
4. Monster Project Page- to get ideas for Halloween

4 favorite foods

1. General Tao Chicken at any Chinese Resteraunt
2. Ribs at the Trace Inn in Red Hill State Park
3. BBQ buffalo wings at Applebees
4. Ribs at Smokey Bones in Eville

4 places I would rather be

1. Vacationing with family in Orlando Florida
2. Camping with family and friends at any campground
3. Home at Chirstmas time with all the family opening gifts
4. Home at Halloween time setting up props to scare the crap out of TOTs

I tag anyone who reads this blog that hasnt been already tagged. Take THAT!

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