Saturday, March 18, 2006

Another Day

This is getting boring. Eat, Sleep, Work. Thats it. That all my life holds for me for a few weeks. I am looking forward to nice weather and some time to enjoy it. Yin is asleep and Yuri is at a friends house so its just me and Brando in the house. She is making homemade pizza and I am watching Scary Movie 2. Soon it will be 5:45 and time for the old rat race. 5 down 25 to go. Have a nice weekend everyone.


K_Dense73 said...

You can do it, Duffy Moon. You can do it!

Ramblin73 said...

You got 6 of the 7 answers you gave correct. Apocalypse Now is actually Clue. Thanks for playing. The answers to all the lines wil be posted tonight.

Ramblin73 said...

Hang in there bubby.