Last night (G) and I when geocaching in Bloomington, IN. It took about 2 hours to get there but we had a set of caches we wanted to get specially for this trip. There is a cacher that goes by deathshead and or ichabod gorry and he has a set of night caches that he said would be cool to do by lantern light. So we loaded up and left at aroung 9 am and with a few hickups we found ourselves in the area. Luck for me my mapping software was not loaded for this area so we just followed the arrow. They had just as much rain as we had and a few of the caches we tried was unaccessable. We hit a few here and there in the pouring rain and waited for it to get dark. Finally it was dark and we started on the series of 5 candel light caches. The first was a breeze and we knock of another one not apart of the series that was close. The second was a little harder but on the way out (G) tripped on a fence and sliced his hand open. By time we got back to the car blood was dripping from his hand. I looked at (G) and said if you would have done that in the way in we could have signed in blood. (Inside joke about if we went along way to get one and forgot a pen) The third and fourth were pretty good but was still increasing in difficulty and terrain. Finaly the last and we found ourselves in a bunch of huge rocks. After combing the area (G) rang out with the I FOUND IT and it was all over. We had sweat and we were wet and had bleed and sweared but a midnight cache is beyond compaired. Or something like that. Any who It was a fun weekend and now the TA starts so I am not sure how often I will post.
Eeeek! Now that's a scary Halloween pic. No...wait a minute....
It's beginning to look a lot like that time of year: geocaching that is.
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