Monday, March 27, 2006

Good Report

Today we was told that TA is going very well and that they dont expect it to go the extra week. I know that I have 13 straight days of 10 and a half hours plus on hootowls and most were 12 and a half hours. I walk around like the living dead most the time and spend alot of time it bed. One day I slept 9 hours. I only do this when I am sicker than a dog. Most of the time I get 7 and that is good enought for me and my normal sleep patern is to wake up every two hours just to see what time it is and go back to sleep. Now when I go to bed I die. I dont dream that I can remember and it is like a second goes by and then some one is yellin,"Its time to get up." Oh well another two weeks and I am in the clear. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Sorry to go on about work but right now there aint much else.

1 comment:

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I bet you are counting down the days. Soon, soon you will have a normal night's sleep!