My neighbor (G) came down tonight and brought pizza and his DVDs of the nations best home haunts. All the people on a Halloween L list and video and take stills of there projects and yards and send them in for a contest. There are several catagories and he puts them on several DVDs, 6 this year, and sells them for little profit for the time invested. These discs are awesome and it is neat to see what other house haunters are up to. I was blown away by the first one who used mainly a projector to put images on his house complete with a blinking eye at the peak of his house. A toothy scary mouth on the garage door and pumpkin type leaf bags on the lawn that sing. He also projected several ghost in the yard. It was awesome but I think a the heart of this haunt is about a $600 projector that hooks to a computer. I will lie awake tonight thinking of projects for the up coming year. I know you think I am crazy to be thinking of Halloween this soon but you have to start planning your projects before the yard sale season to pick up the odds and ends that are the heart and soul of the project. To by new would bankrupt me so I have to be fruggle. One persons occilating fan with a blade broken for 50 cents is another persons werewolf with a turning head. Well enough for now. Good night.
Rudy has been complaing that no one posted on his blog for a week.
Ragged usually has the witty comments and she has been gone. I really missed reading about her each day!
I was also sad to not see Cynical's Idol picks:(
I figured that Rudy would be tired of my comments and this week, but here goes.
1. Please put your pop can in the TRASH!
2. Please learn to open the hamper instead of piling clothes on top. (Okay that one is me, but he wanted comments)
3. Please remember that I like to dance in the kitchen with a kid hanging off each leg!
4. Anders is HOT on Battle Star Galatica, but I will not use hot in that context again. It ruins the little ones minds!
Thanks is all the comments that I have for now. ILY!
Please igorne bad spelling. Complaining not complaing... Getting very tired, but this counts as another post!!
Hoop Hoop Hoopity Doo! Halloween is good for me and good for you. Have to chat with you and keep an eye on project fodder. :)
You guys are so darned creative! I can't wait to see what you guys cook up this year.
Halloween Schmalloween! Now, St. Patty's Day is where it's at!
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