Today my Bro (Pilot) stopped by to see the new laptop and chat for a bit. Then we went to the neighbors for supper. They had warm homemade with homegrown tomatoe juice vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum...Mmmm Mmmm Good. After getting my belly full we chatted with the neighbors for a long while catching up due to the fact that everyone has been sick and we havent been able to visit for a while. Yes it was a enjoyable evening. Came home and plopped down in front of the desktop due to the fact that my wife tends to take over the MY new laptop and use it till the battery is at 15% and say OK im done. Boy that really frosts me but she got it for me so I will bite my tongue. Shhhhhhh she might be listening. Oh yeah I blogged and then I slept due to the fact the I was tired and all. Due to the fact that I worked today and due to the fact that I really worked hard toda........He he he. I couldnt get that one out without cracking up. Well enough for now....Goodnight..
Do you want some cheese with your whine? :)
Yes please cheese would be nice please and a minute on the laptop also. :)
Maybe "grilled" cheese.
Rudy.....What Ass???
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