You would think that if I spent that much money I would have won something. Then you would be wrong. We didnt win nothing.. nada..zip..zilch..(you get my drift). But we did have a good time. We met up with some friends after checking into our room and went down to Corkeys for some BBQ. It was very good and pretty cheap too. We then tried our luck with the one armed bandits. The money just kept on flowing just the wrong direction. It was pretty neat and and exciting just thinking that riches is just a coin drop and a button push away. Oh well better luck next time. We then met up with Brandos mom and played alittle more with the bandit but, it did its job well. After thoroughly smelling like an ashtray we retreated to the room where we got rid of the smoke film and went to bed. The next day we had tickets that went with the trip for free breakfast at the buffet. The food was really good there also. Brando was jonesen for the kids so we met NeNe and PawPaw 2 hours earlier than priviously planned to get them. Mom looked like she was tired and Dad made the comment that this was 99% fun. I know what he feels about the 1% and sometimes it feels like a long 1%. Yuri was bright eyed and bushy tailed and Yin looked like she got about 1 hour sleep all night. One good thing is that Yin will sleep good tonight. Oh yeah my lovely, lovely Brando bought me a laptop while we were down in E'ville and I asked her if she bought it with all her winnings. He He He..
1 comment:
Glad you had a good time, too bad you didn't win big. Congrats on the laptop, that's worth its weight in gold, eh?
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