When we had cats there was this magic hour you could almost set your watch by at night. We always called this time the Kitty Krazies. Now we have a couple of chillen and now we go through what must be a close approximation of those events. These are now known as the Kiddie Krazies. Just as mysterious as crop circles with all of the awe of a natural disaster. It leaves you emotionally drained. It all comes about out of the blue and we are not sure what causes it but the kids just sat down at the table and had a bowl of icecream and BAM! The next thing I know the kids are running at break neck speeds through the house. Yin is squeeling with delight and Yuri is laughing and jumping and ninja chopping everything in sight. Our part is running around behind Yin keeping her in the middle of the road so she wont go bounce her noggin off of things like the coffee table, TV, fireplace and sofa arms. She must be partially blinded in this Krazy state because she will run full tilt into object with a loud THUD and turn around and take off again. With all the running and laughing we are out of breath and ready for bed when the affiction passes. Maybe its there diet. Tomorrow instead of icecream we might try a more logical desert.....like M&Ms chased with Mt. Dew. Wish us luck.
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