Setting here watching Madagasgar and my opinion of the movie is it is halarious. I give it 4 stars.
We just put Yin down for her nap and now I have to go shovel horse poop for a couple of hours. Fun Fun Fun
Brando made taco roll for lunch and it is very good. Since I am watching what I eat I held myself to just a plate and a half. Boy I could finish it all.
It is snowing like crazy out side but I dont think it will stick. Its not cold enough. It is kind of nice to see the winter weather show up finally. It felt like we were cheated out of playing in the snow and building snowpeople out in the front yard. But I only want it to hang around a couple of days and then bring on the warm weather. Trying to keep this old house warm for the chillen is getting rough on the budget.
Oh Oh lets go check on this. Yep we caught a mouse. Brando noticed a mouse in the house a couple of days ago and so we got some traps. I baited it with peanut butter the first night only to find the trap licked clean. The next day I baited it with good old fashion CHEESE. That must have done the trick because the mouse looks like me checking out the Sports Illustrated swim suit addition now. Poor little mousey. Didnt even knew what hit him. I hope to go that way. All of the sudden SNAP! I just hope that the peoples whos house I have been skurrying around in dont just throw me out in the field.
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