Friday, February 10, 2006

My First Blog

This has got to be the most idiotic thing I have ever done in my life. I think it is totally retarded to type this crap into a blog so naturally I am compulsively drawn to it. Like a moth to a flame. So here goes nothing. My bro aka pilot told me this is theraputic and I told him that the only people that have blogs are the people that need therapy. Case in point heres my blog.

I must admit that my wife Brando baited me with this stuff. She left it on the computer screen knowing that I would be too nosy but to read it. I did find it very amusing. My bro and I have the same sense of humor although his views on politics are way off the mark. "Jab , Jab"

Finally I will get to my blog.....

Well crap what was I going to write about?... Oh yeah... This is the my first blog and there is alot of pressure to write something whitty and amusing but I guess that you will have to put up with alot of rambling. Maybe one day I will be a good blog writer but for now this is all your going to get. What do you expect from a guy that thinks the plural of goose is sheep? Forgive me of my miny typos and grammar mystakes and puncuation and run on sentences. I was never any good at math....Maybe I will be more better tomarrow???


Ramblin73 said...

I think you blog most goodly.

K_Dense73 said...

Me like you blog. It great. Kept up your good work.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Are you saying I need therapy?