Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Long Day

Today was my long day at work. I went in at 5:30am and left at 7:00pm. It is a pretty rewarding day. We have safety meetings and figure out how to make the plant a safer place. We normally give trinkets and a safety slogan at the gates but today we went to the individual areas and jotted down any safety concerns they might have. If you have an area that is sold on the process then you feed off the energy and can run with it but when you go to an area that is against it then it is mentally and physically taxing. The group is pressuring me to be the head of the committee but that involves a one year commitment out of my field. With only three people in the plant that can do my job and one of them is on light duty it makes it hard to consider knowing it would put allot of pressure on the other guy to fill my position while im gone. Oh well enough about the boring job crap.
Tonight I got home and Brando had about half of the dining room painted so guess what I get to do tomorrow. It does look nice and the pictures on the wall do look more pronounced. Tomorrow shouldnt be that busy.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Nuff Said

Today was a normal long day at work. I came home and helped my father in law with the electrical stuff but nothing was working out. Then I came home and my wife bless her soul painted half the living room. The only thing I hate worse than messing with electrical stuff is painting. I know if I didnt help she would have done it all herself and it would have looked great but I would have had to set there watching her work feeling very very guilty for not helping so I started helping with the trim. We finally got it all painted and it looks great. It feels more warm and cosy feeling now. Then when it is all said and done I asked,"Hey do you want me to wash out the brushes?" She said, "Nah.. Just put them in a bag in the freezer because I might start on the dining roomm tomorrow..." :( Needless to say that lookes like my work was just part over. Stay tuned while this drama unfolds. Does the dining room get painted Dried Tyme green or Blood Red. Same blog...Same drivel....

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Today I just lazed around and didnt do much. I helped my wife do some sort of International Swap quilt stuff and then went down to the neighbors and helped them set up there new computer. Now I am at my inlaws house getting ready to eat home made pizza. Its been a pretty uneventful day. Might blog more later but might not. My wife says im ambivolent. I just told her sometimes I am... sometimes im not....

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Busy Saturday

Today I roped one of my co-workers "G" into helping me with my bro in laws electrical work. We got the meter loop, disconnect and riser mounted. We worked as far as we had parts for and then went to my house where my wonderful Brando had Taco Soup ready for us. It is very good, you can contact Brando for the recipe.

After that we went to Pinkstaff to have Christmas with Brandos Dads family. What you say...Christmas in February... Yes Christmas in February. Due to the fact that some of the family could not make it home during December they decide to roll it back and roll it back and roll it back until we was able to have it this weekend. The same people who couldnt make it in December still wasnt able to make it but it was fun all the same. We played dirty santa and I got some Stanley tools which is way better than the crappy candles I got stuck with last year.

Now I am home blogging and relaxing by the fireplace. Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend. Who knows what tomorrow has in store. I think thats all for today so.... Ill blog at ya tomorrow. Have a good rest of the weekend and Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Friday, February 24, 2006

WoooHoooo Friday!!!!!

Today was a pretty good day at work. I was busy most of the day so it went by pretty fast. We ate out at Montana Mikes and went to Lowes to pick up stuff for this weekends projects. I put Yuris TV on one of those stands that mount to the wall and tomorrow we are going to the bro in laws house to install his new electric meter loop and breaker box. There is a bucket of paint on the counter in the kitchen and I know my wife will be wanting to paint the living room soon. Id rather shave my butt with a dull potato peeler than paint. Oh well I guess I will just shut up and do it. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday @ work with my friend and his brother

Today at work we all took pleasure in picking on anyone and everyone. G constantly jabs me with pencil whipping geocaches that my bro helped me find. And in kind I have been giving him crap about the huge zit on his left temple. Today out of the blue I asked him how long his brother was going to visit? He looked at me in wonder. That's when I pointed my finger to his zit and said, "You know your brother, the conjoined one?" We laughed and he said that he thinks he is going away. That's when I exclaimed,"Boy im gone miss him, He has more personality than you do." Then the relentless onslaught continued with,"I hope you are filling out two time slips for pay, if not they are ripping you off." and "Hope your not going on vacation because they will charge you for two seats on the airplane and double occupancy for the room." Yeah when we see blood we go for the jugular. Normally we reserve this type of banter until Fridays but today I was feeling generous. Some days are harder than others but for not the camaraderie of the guys at my work I think it would be really, really rough. Tomorrow will be brutal with G having all night to think up a good jab. I bet he dont make it to bed before midnight. But I cant wait for them to take a shot. Bring on the pain.....Bring on Friday!! They constantly tell me that I am mean with my comment but I just remind them that they didnt give me the nickname Rudy for nothing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Nice Little Day

Today was just that, a nice little day. Today started off going to work were I stayed pretty busy which made the day go fast. After work we celebriated a co-workers B-day at the local tavern. After a couple of drinks I was on my way home. After arriving home I found out that my lovely wife had made one of my favorite dishes. Taco bake is really really good. After eating and spending some time with my kids my father in law wanted to go up to my bro in laws to plot out the wiring for there house. I arrived home to relax in the recliner and blog. Next is a long soaking bath or a steaming hot shower before retireing. Yes this was a nice little day. I hope tomorrow is nice also. Sorry not to have anything to write interesting for today. Oh yeah...My dog got his nuts cut off and hes home now licking the place where him dog berries were. HE he ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Warm Veggi Soup on a Cold Day

Today my Bro (Pilot) stopped by to see the new laptop and chat for a bit. Then we went to the neighbors for supper. They had warm homemade with homegrown tomatoe juice vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum...Mmmm Mmmm Good. After getting my belly full we chatted with the neighbors for a long while catching up due to the fact that everyone has been sick and we havent been able to visit for a while. Yes it was a enjoyable evening. Came home and plopped down in front of the desktop due to the fact that my wife tends to take over the MY new laptop and use it till the battery is at 15% and say OK im done. Boy that really frosts me but she got it for me so I will bite my tongue. Shhhhhhh she might be listening. Oh yeah I blogged and then I slept due to the fact the I was tired and all. Due to the fact that I worked today and due to the fact that I really worked hard toda........He he he. I couldnt get that one out without cracking up. Well enough for now....Goodnight..

Monday, February 20, 2006

Still Cold & Gonna Get Colder

Yep..Thats right its headed this way. More cold weather, Yeeehaw... I am so sick of the cold I am ready for some good ole fashioned warm weather. Its cold at my work, its cold in the car, its cold in the house. Maybe I can use some of my winnings to pay for this months gas bill. He He Oh well enought gripping about the cold. I think I will turn in. Good night, sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs pull off your covers in the middle of the night and let you freeze to death. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My New Baby

Here is some baby pics of my new toy. My wonderful wife saw fit to honor me with a present. With only the minimum of whining, crying and fit throwing in the floor of the store too. Oh yes when it comes to electroinics I will resort to that. If you never seen a grown man cry just tell me I cant get the new palm pilot. Tomorrow is back to the same ole same ole so see ya 4 now.


You would think that if I spent that much money I would have won something. Then you would be wrong. We didnt win nothing.. nada..zip..zilch..(you get my drift). But we did have a good time. We met up with some friends after checking into our room and went down to Corkeys for some BBQ. It was very good and pretty cheap too. We then tried our luck with the one armed bandits. The money just kept on flowing just the wrong direction. It was pretty neat and and exciting just thinking that riches is just a coin drop and a button push away. Oh well better luck next time. We then met up with Brandos mom and played alittle more with the bandit but, it did its job well. After thoroughly smelling like an ashtray we retreated to the room where we got rid of the smoke film and went to bed. The next day we had tickets that went with the trip for free breakfast at the buffet. The food was really good there also. Brando was jonesen for the kids so we met NeNe and PawPaw 2 hours earlier than priviously planned to get them. Mom looked like she was tired and Dad made the comment that this was 99% fun. I know what he feels about the 1% and sometimes it feels like a long 1%. Yuri was bright eyed and bushy tailed and Yin looked like she got about 1 hour sleep all night. One good thing is that Yin will sleep good tonight. Oh yeah my lovely, lovely Brando bought me a laptop while we were down in E'ville and I asked her if she bought it with all her winnings. He He He..

Friday, February 17, 2006

Late Night Quicky

No it is not what you might think it is. Get you mind outta the gutter. This is what my wonderful wife Brando got me for Heart Day. Aint She a beaut?? We have been stalking geocoins for a while and wanted to get one of our very own. If you would like to add this icon to your geocaching repartwar' (Spillin) then let me know and I will give you the log code. It will be going with me to the Geoevent tomorrow to meet and greet new people. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Sweet Heart Weekend

This weekend I won in a drawing for a Sweet Heart Weekend at the Casino Aztar. We will be heading to the big town of E'ville where we will first take in a Geocaching Event with the kids and then we will head South. My parent will be meeting us to keep Yin & Yuri for the weekend and then we are off to the Casino. This will be the first weekend in a while we havent had the kids. I know the weekend will be full of gambling and shopping and worring about how the kids are doing. Its funny how sometimes you cant stand to be around them then in the next second you miss the crap out of them. I dont suffer from this disorder as much as Brando, but it I do show symptoms. Hope the Casino Hotel has WiFi so we can check everyones blog. Wish us luck on our relaxing/stressful weekend.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Nothing good to post.....Enjoy the Picture.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wires Wires Wires

I went up to my brother in laws house today to see were we are going to mount the new electrical meter loop and disconnect. We have mapped out where the 200 amp breaker box in going to be located then we have to rewire the whole house. I cringe at the thought to all of the wires and having to keep them straight where they all go. The last time I took on an undertaking of this magnitude was when my bro and I rewired my house. It took about three day to complete and then we reinsulated the attic. I couldnt see the new insulation laying on top of old nob and tube electrical wiring. The house would have went up like a roman candle within a year. My next project at the house will be installing a pull down ladder to access the attic and the building a storage area upstairs. Then when $ allows I will build a couple of bed rooms up there and a stair case in Yin room will access the upstairs. At that point Yin & Yuri's bedroom will move upstairs. I would also like to build a bi-level elevated play house for the kids, complete with a tree platform with a plank bridge spanning between the two. Then next I will win the lottery....Well I have dreamed enough.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A taste of spring

Today it was in the 50s. It was a very nice taste of spring. The sun hurt my eyes for I was not use to it after seemingly months of bla, drab weather. I picked up some fresh cut flowers for my sweet Brando and signed the card with the kiddies name. I also picked up some pizza at Pizza Hut for our supper. Yin likes to eat pizza but today she wore more than she ate. Brando was sick and had a bad headache when I got home. She tried to go to bed at 6:30 but its like trying to nap in a mine field. She got up at 7:45 feeling like death. Well its time to get the chillen ready for bed. Have a Happy Valentines Day everyone.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Kiddie Krazies

When we had cats there was this magic hour you could almost set your watch by at night. We always called this time the Kitty Krazies. Now we have a couple of chillen and now we go through what must be a close approximation of those events. These are now known as the Kiddie Krazies. Just as mysterious as crop circles with all of the awe of a natural disaster. It leaves you emotionally drained. It all comes about out of the blue and we are not sure what causes it but the kids just sat down at the table and had a bowl of icecream and BAM! The next thing I know the kids are running at break neck speeds through the house. Yin is squeeling with delight and Yuri is laughing and jumping and ninja chopping everything in sight. Our part is running around behind Yin keeping her in the middle of the road so she wont go bounce her noggin off of things like the coffee table, TV, fireplace and sofa arms. She must be partially blinded in this Krazy state because she will run full tilt into object with a loud THUD and turn around and take off again. With all the running and laughing we are out of breath and ready for bed when the affiction passes. Maybe its there diet. Tomorrow instead of icecream we might try a more logical desert.....like M&Ms chased with Mt. Dew. Wish us luck.

Merry Christmas @ the Bates Motel

I got a package in the mail today. I had no idea it was coming and it was a very pleasant surprise. My cuz, well call him bean boy, sent me a late Christmas present. Knowing that I am a Halloween junky he sent me an appropriate gift. I couldnt have picked out a better gift. Thanks Bean Boy for the wonderful package.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cold and dreary day

Today was just that. It was cold and dreary this morning and then in the evening it was pretty cold and dreary followed by cold and dreary at night...Oh yeah! And dark. Cold, dreary and dark.

Today was good day just to sit around and vegetate. We got the house straightened up as good as we could with Hurricane Yin and finish up the laundry. Yep, another excitement filled day. Lets watch as Rudys family deals with the its next delima: "Honey do you what corn or green beans for lunch?" Stay tuned next blog to see how this cliff hanger unfolds.

Hey diddle diddle an Hair Nation

Well here I am setting here trying to listen to some good ole 80s rock and Yin constantly thinks the Wiggles has to playing in her room. So as I type and sing along if find myself wandering back and forth. Shes my cherry pie sweet drink of Di Dicky Do Dum Di Dum Doe. (Head bobbin, head mosh with the hip dips of the Wiggles dance included) Man this is were I wanted to be at 32. Oh well theres alot worse places and the more I see the chillen playing the more I wouldnt trade it for the world. Yuri was playing the guitar and Yin was dancing beside him laughing but of course when you try to be sneeky with the camera to get a cute snap shot the kids spidey sense kicks in and the stop or run over to you to look at the picture on the back of the camera that you didnt get a chance to take.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Madagasgar & Mouse Traps

Setting here watching Madagasgar and my opinion of the movie is it is halarious. I give it 4 stars.

We just put Yin down for her nap and now I have to go shovel horse poop for a couple of hours. Fun Fun Fun

Brando made taco roll for lunch and it is very good. Since I am watching what I eat I held myself to just a plate and a half. Boy I could finish it all.

It is snowing like crazy out side but I dont think it will stick. Its not cold enough. It is kind of nice to see the winter weather show up finally. It felt like we were cheated out of playing in the snow and building snowpeople out in the front yard. But I only want it to hang around a couple of days and then bring on the warm weather. Trying to keep this old house warm for the chillen is getting rough on the budget.


Oh Oh lets go check on this. Yep we caught a mouse. Brando noticed a mouse in the house a couple of days ago and so we got some traps. I baited it with peanut butter the first night only to find the trap licked clean. The next day I baited it with good old fashion CHEESE. That must have done the trick because the mouse looks like me checking out the Sports Illustrated swim suit addition now. Poor little mousey. Didnt even knew what hit him. I hope to go that way. All of the sudden SNAP! I just hope that the peoples whos house I have been skurrying around in dont just throw me out in the field.

Friday, February 10, 2006

My First Blog

This has got to be the most idiotic thing I have ever done in my life. I think it is totally retarded to type this crap into a blog so naturally I am compulsively drawn to it. Like a moth to a flame. So here goes nothing. My bro aka pilot told me this is theraputic and I told him that the only people that have blogs are the people that need therapy. Case in point heres my blog.

I must admit that my wife Brando baited me with this stuff. She left it on the computer screen knowing that I would be too nosy but to read it. I did find it very amusing. My bro and I have the same sense of humor although his views on politics are way off the mark. "Jab , Jab"

Finally I will get to my blog.....

Well crap what was I going to write about?... Oh yeah... This is the my first blog and there is alot of pressure to write something whitty and amusing but I guess that you will have to put up with alot of rambling. Maybe one day I will be a good blog writer but for now this is all your going to get. What do you expect from a guy that thinks the plural of goose is sheep? Forgive me of my miny typos and grammar mystakes and puncuation and run on sentences. I was never any good at math....Maybe I will be more better tomarrow???