Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Home Sick

Today I am home sick. It started out as and ache and now I have a sore throat and feel all around crappy. I plan on being back at work tomorrow and hope to feel better. On the up swing I will be home today to help with Yin Birthday party. I pulled her present outta the box and put it together. You know because some assembly required means you need to have common tools like an atom splitter to get it together and the instructions are so vague that you can make out anything. Oh well it got put together and she seems to like it. Brando also got her a pizza that is made outta wood and it is velcroed together. She can use a wooden pizza cutter to cut the pieces apart and it also has wooded velcroed topping you can pull off and change. Yin seemed to really have a good time with the pizza. Right now she is snoozing in her crib for her noon time nap.

Brando went with her bros girlfriend and her mom to the last ultrasound before the baby is born then and they are going to eat out and should be home around 1pm. We will then straighten up the house and do dishes for the party and Brando plans to bake cupcakes.

Have a nice week everyone.

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