Sunday, April 09, 2006

Back on the nights

Howdy everybody. Yes it is true. I am back on nights and things are dragging by like a dog leased to a bumper. I am setting here bored to tears and finding it hard to keep my eyes open. If I ramble please forgive me. Brando just called and said she was takeing our oldest Yuri to the ER for an ear ache. He had been complaining about it hurting and she put some drops in it but he woke up crying so she tooke him it to get some help. Nothing makes you feel more worthless than to have a family member need you and you not be there.

Yesterday we was at my work for an Easter egg hunt and Brando took a spill with Yin in her arms. Yin came out without a scratch and only frightened but Brando unable to catch herself took the brunt of the fall. Her knee looks pretty bad but shes tough and will pull through.

I was looking forward to getting back on night because it meant the beginning of the end of this TA but now I just feel utterly useless. I know my family will make it though this but I really want to be there. It helps to express it. Like someone said a little blog therapy never hurt. Sorry to vent my feelings.

Blog ya later


Ramblin73 said...

Blog therapy helps doesn't it bro. Sometimes you just have to release what is on your chest into the blogiverse. For some reason I always feel better to vent. Just check out my latest post.

K_Dense73 said...

Let it out, Rudy. Brando, get well soon.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Venting is good. Venting is good.

Hope Brando and Yuri are on the mend. Ouch!