This weekend we had all sorts of fun. Saturday we took the kiddies to Old Settlers Days and saw all the things that go along with it. We saw the story teller, the whip guy, the spinners and the horse drawn carriage guy. It was really nice to see this festival again due to the fact that it hasnt happened for a couple of years. It would have been nice to see it in its traditional setting of the state park but beggars cant be choosers.
After purchasing a couple of bags of pork rinds and bottle of homemade root beer, we headed to my folks house to catch up with Pilot, Needles, Cynical and Ragged. We had a nice visit and had to head home for the youngest to get her nap in. After her nap we was able to return and chat with Farm Wife and meet her kiddies. The kids made fast friends and were playing in no time.
Over all we had a really nice weekend visiting everyone. Too bad Monday is around the corner.
Hope everyone made it home safely.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Friday is here
Today after work I went to my Mom and Dads to visit since they are up from KY. I walked in to say hi and to check on my darling wife Brando and the kiddies. Brando informed me that young Yin did not want to take her nap at the usual time and finally decided to lay down when in a matter of moment she was sound asleep. I love to sneek in and see my little angels sleeping. They look so peaceful and inocent. It makes me long for days long gone where life was much simpler. I just hope they enjoy it while it lasts and dont grow up too fast.
Mom had fixed a big ole pot of beans and I definitely had my share and am suffering the consiquences as I type. Bro and I like to partake our lagumes with hot pepper relish with sides of fried corn bread. It is a little plate of heaven that will lead to pure hellish torture for myself or anyone in the area.
Grandmaw looks like she is having a good time and I have yet to see my Aunt N. She must be having a good time at her friends.
I hope the rain stays away long enough for us to have a good time at Old Settlers Days. If it would hold off till after noon I think we could get a few things in.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Mom had fixed a big ole pot of beans and I definitely had my share and am suffering the consiquences as I type. Bro and I like to partake our lagumes with hot pepper relish with sides of fried corn bread. It is a little plate of heaven that will lead to pure hellish torture for myself or anyone in the area.
Grandmaw looks like she is having a good time and I have yet to see my Aunt N. She must be having a good time at her friends.
I hope the rain stays away long enough for us to have a good time at Old Settlers Days. If it would hold off till after noon I think we could get a few things in.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Weekend update
I think the yard sale thing is a no go. We have looked at the weather and it looks like a 70% chance of rain both Saturday and Sunday. I was mistaken and thought I heard that my Aunt E and Uncle J were coming up this weekend and due to the rain in the forcast my other Aunt F and other Uncle J are not coming up. Sorry for all the confusion to my audience.
Ragged we will still open up the sale for you if you are still interested. Even thought the crowd will be smaller than expected this weekend, I am still stoaked.
Hurry up Friday evening and bring on the weekend.
Ragged we will still open up the sale for you if you are still interested. Even thought the crowd will be smaller than expected this weekend, I am still stoaked.
Hurry up Friday evening and bring on the weekend.
Company This Weekend

I am very excited to say we are going to have company this weekend. My cuz Cynical and his girlfriend Ragged is coming to visit. Also my Mom & Dad, Aunt N, Aunt R, Uncle A, Aunt E, 2 Uncle J's and Aunt F will visit. I am so happy that some of my family from down South are coming up to visit I am about to BUST!
This weekend is also Old Settlers Days at the 4-H fairgrounds and I hope the rain will clear out of the forecast to allow a good showing. We always enjoyed Old Settlers Days when it was in the State Park and I hope it will be the same at the new location.
My wife, Brando, is planning to have a yard sale on that weekend and there has been several people ask if they can sell stuff there also. Maybe we can make enought money to help with the Disney World trip in Sept.
Just pray that the rain stays away for Saturday. I think they are calling for scattered showers but no showers would be nice.
All the farmers have been going after bustin up the ground like stink on poop. I bet I counted 50 tractors working the ground on the way home. I like the smell of the ground being opened. That is a true earthy smell.
Not much else to blog so I will end with see ya later.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Home Sick
Today I am home sick. It started out as and ache and now I have a sore throat and feel all around crappy. I plan on being back at work tomorrow and hope to feel better. On the up swing I will be home today to help with Yin Birthday party. I pulled her present outta the box and put it together. You know because some assembly required means you need to have common tools like an atom splitter to get it together and the instructions are so vague that you can make out anything. Oh well it got put together and she seems to like it. Brando also got her a pizza that is made outta wood and it is velcroed together. She can use a wooden pizza cutter to cut the pieces apart and it also has wooded velcroed topping you can pull off and change. Yin seemed to really have a good time with the pizza. Right now she is snoozing in her crib for her noon time nap.
Brando went with her bros girlfriend and her mom to the last ultrasound before the baby is born then and they are going to eat out and should be home around 1pm. We will then straighten up the house and do dishes for the party and Brando plans to bake cupcakes.
Have a nice week everyone.
Brando went with her bros girlfriend and her mom to the last ultrasound before the baby is born then and they are going to eat out and should be home around 1pm. We will then straighten up the house and do dishes for the party and Brando plans to bake cupcakes.
Have a nice week everyone.
Monday, April 24, 2006
The CITO Event

The event was a great success. We started the day at Weasley Chapel Cemetery were we spent about an hour setting up and old fence that had been fallen for years and had trees growing through it. After setting up the fence and rakeing up leaves we were off to Gilead Church. There we picked up sticks and fallen limbs. We set up some crosses that had fallen and picked up old faded flowers. Then we went to Brians Cemetery were we set up markers that had fallen and picked up limbs. A large cedar tree had fallen in the back and knocked over some markers so we returned the next day with a chain saw and cut it and stacked it to the side. After that was done we were able to set up the markers that the two of us was able to lift. After the event on Saturday we returned back at Gs house and had hotdogs and watched one of the event attendees fly his power kites. We all had a really good time. I was tuckered by the end but it was a good kinda tuckered. Check out the event and pics at this site: 2006 CITO
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Fridays a commin
Howdy folks. Hows all yall a doin tday? Well im happier than a pig in slop cause Fridee is almost here. Last night I sprayed the yard with some season long weed killer which is supposed to last the year but I will give it a month tops. I also did some odds and ins outdoors. The wife and kids sat in the drive way and picked out indian beads. Now thats entertainment.
Tonight I plan on trying to inspect the campers water tank. Due to a close friends recent mishap, It has cause some concern on the part in which a full water tank could drop off the bottom of the camper. I cant see any situation where that could be benefical to me. I plan on reinforcing the tank with stainless steel strapping. Also inspect and replace any broken fasteners on the tank. At work it has also been nothing but talk about camping and campers. My friend "G" has been thinking about a new 5th wheel camper and been mulling it over for a while. I took Brando to where we bought ours and we walked through a few campers and I have found a few that I would like get in the future after I buy a bigger truck to pull it.
I was hoping to watch some neighborhood haunt DVDs that my other friend "G" has last night but he is trying to loose weight for a contest and had gain 6 pounds over the weekend and decided to take some extra strength exlax type liquid. After two bottles and two dose of Milk of Magnesia he still had not done his buisness. I asked if he was coming down later to watch the DVDs and he said and I quote, "I hope to be settin on the pot at that time." You cant compete with the call of the poopie pot. Maybe tonight he will not have any upcomming paper work to do. He He
Yin and Yuri have been enjoying the outdoors during this nice weather. Yin makes me a nervous wreck but I have to let her do her thing. Yuri is riding his bike like a wild man and having a blast.
My Bro is getting a new camera and I am a little jealous. I cant seem to get my camera to take pictures for crap and his takes really nice picture. Secretly I wish that his girlfriend Needles takes the prettiest most perfect pictures and his turns out like mine. Due to my luck his pics will turn out, shall we say, picture perfect. Dont tell Pilot my secret... he cant read so I am safe. He he
We are planning to take the rug rats to Disney later this year and I was told today that they look through your bags pretty thourghly for food and drinks so I am wondering if they will let me take my new hydro pack with me now. The cooler in the stroller will also be a NO NO if this is true. I cant wait to go.
My friend "G" is having a CITO (Cache in Trash Out) event this weekend for earth day and we are planning to help out pick up old flowers and set up old cemetery fence that has fallen over. Then we are comming back to Gs house for hotdogs. It should be a fun time. I hope we get some people there besides us due to the last minute type posting of the event.
Have a nice rest of the week everyone.
Tonight I plan on trying to inspect the campers water tank. Due to a close friends recent mishap, It has cause some concern on the part in which a full water tank could drop off the bottom of the camper. I cant see any situation where that could be benefical to me. I plan on reinforcing the tank with stainless steel strapping. Also inspect and replace any broken fasteners on the tank. At work it has also been nothing but talk about camping and campers. My friend "G" has been thinking about a new 5th wheel camper and been mulling it over for a while. I took Brando to where we bought ours and we walked through a few campers and I have found a few that I would like get in the future after I buy a bigger truck to pull it.
I was hoping to watch some neighborhood haunt DVDs that my other friend "G" has last night but he is trying to loose weight for a contest and had gain 6 pounds over the weekend and decided to take some extra strength exlax type liquid. After two bottles and two dose of Milk of Magnesia he still had not done his buisness. I asked if he was coming down later to watch the DVDs and he said and I quote, "I hope to be settin on the pot at that time." You cant compete with the call of the poopie pot. Maybe tonight he will not have any upcomming paper work to do. He He
Yin and Yuri have been enjoying the outdoors during this nice weather. Yin makes me a nervous wreck but I have to let her do her thing. Yuri is riding his bike like a wild man and having a blast.
My Bro is getting a new camera and I am a little jealous. I cant seem to get my camera to take pictures for crap and his takes really nice picture. Secretly I wish that his girlfriend Needles takes the prettiest most perfect pictures and his turns out like mine. Due to my luck his pics will turn out, shall we say, picture perfect. Dont tell Pilot my secret... he cant read so I am safe. He he
We are planning to take the rug rats to Disney later this year and I was told today that they look through your bags pretty thourghly for food and drinks so I am wondering if they will let me take my new hydro pack with me now. The cooler in the stroller will also be a NO NO if this is true. I cant wait to go.
My friend "G" is having a CITO (Cache in Trash Out) event this weekend for earth day and we are planning to help out pick up old flowers and set up old cemetery fence that has fallen over. Then we are comming back to Gs house for hotdogs. It should be a fun time. I hope we get some people there besides us due to the last minute type posting of the event.
Have a nice rest of the week everyone.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
I got home from work and was surprised by my darling Brando with homemade RIBS. My favorite!!! What a wonderful surprise. They were AWESOME! After eating more than my fill we started weeding the flower beds. Then spreading ne mulch and then mowed the yard. Brando was mowing then I did the weed eating. I was going to spray the ditch but it was a little too windy and the over spray would get the yard. Hopefully tomorrow will be nice calm and dry to get the spraying done.
After the yard work I strolled to my neighbor G's house and visited for a short while. His mom is here to visit from Idaho and was getting ready to go back home. G wanted to do something nice for his mom because she likes Geocaching so he asked if I could load some caches into here handheld so she wouldnt have to do it by hand. I took her GPSr and loaded 450 of the nearest active caches to her house. That should keep her busy for a while. She loves caching but never got an account or logged a cache until she came here. In the week she was here she has goten over 50 caches and has logged an event as well as logged several geocoins. It is reallly fun to see a new cacher get addicted to the game. It reminded me of my Bro and how interested he was in it when we did one of my first caches and his first cache together. It was really fun. We couldnt wait to do the next one. Then when I explained the sport to my darling Brando, I could tell by the look on her face that she thought it was kind of stupid, but after I got her to go on the first cache, she was hooked. It is funny how this happens. One of my friends at work told me how he saved his money to get his first GPSr and his wife thought he would never use it and was a waste of money. Then he told her about geocaching and she then thought it was a waste of time and money. Then he took her on her first cache and she thought it was pretty neat. Then she called him at work the next day to tell him that she had skipped out of work and had found several caches that day while he slaved away at work. How the opinion changes after the person has found there first cache. The adrineline rush and the anticipation to hear those fateful words, "I FOUND IT!!!" It is an awesome game.
Happy Caching Everyone.
Monday, April 17, 2006
My new hydrationpack

My wife knew that I have been looking for a hydration pack for a while. I wanted one that was nice and had some storage but didnt take up alot of room. I was torn between the Camelbak Mule and the Cloud Walker. We saw them both at the Gander Mountain in T town. After compairing them both I noticed that the Mule was black, has more storage and holds 3 liters were the Cloud Walker was blue, has less storage and holds 2 liters. Decisions Decisions...... "I like the blue one." said Brando so that was the one I got. You cant argue with an impulse like she has. Above is a pic of the new pack.
Well the weekend is over and the family had a nice camping trip. We also attended a Geocaching party while we were there. We all had a good time. There was 7 caches where you had to get poker chips out of the containers. We ended up with 6 due to some technical difficulties but none the less it didnt hurt the effort. When you showed up at the event with the chips they let you draw as many cards from a deck as you had chips in your hand and make the best poker hand you could. I had the second best hand with three 8's. The winning hand had three Kings. Oh well. The next was the Cache and Dash where you sought out and brought back the container for a pre determined proze for that cache. I didnt participate due to watching the kids have fun. The hid over 250 Easter eggs for the kids to find and had enought food to feed an army. I left feeling bloated and miserable. I went back to our camper and took a nap.
It was the perfect weather for camping. We enjoyed bike rides and setting under the awning watching the kids play. Yin is old enough to walk and entertain herself pretty well outdoors. Yuri is enjoying his first year without training wheels on his bike so he was all over the park. Under the watchful eye of Brando of course. All in all it was a really nice time. Sounds like we left at the right time due to some really nasty weather that moved through the area.
We arrived home and unloaded the bulk of our cargo. Then went to Brando's Mom & Dads. She had fixed a roast with mashed potatoes and gravy with corn, noodles and rolls. It was very good. Brandos Mom is quite the Cheif.
After recooping from the eaten, my Bro (Pilot) stopped by and helped me unload the truck. We then went out to Mom & Dads to cut up a tree that had fell during the last storm. G showed up just as the cutting began and help get the wood to the field for futurn burning. G and I made sure to point out the RHWireless hats we were wearing to my Bro. (inside joke...Jab Jab)
I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
It was the perfect weather for camping. We enjoyed bike rides and setting under the awning watching the kids play. Yin is old enough to walk and entertain herself pretty well outdoors. Yuri is enjoying his first year without training wheels on his bike so he was all over the park. Under the watchful eye of Brando of course. All in all it was a really nice time. Sounds like we left at the right time due to some really nasty weather that moved through the area.
We arrived home and unloaded the bulk of our cargo. Then went to Brando's Mom & Dads. She had fixed a roast with mashed potatoes and gravy with corn, noodles and rolls. It was very good. Brandos Mom is quite the Cheif.
After recooping from the eaten, my Bro (Pilot) stopped by and helped me unload the truck. We then went out to Mom & Dads to cut up a tree that had fell during the last storm. G showed up just as the cutting began and help get the wood to the field for futurn burning. G and I made sure to point out the RHWireless hats we were wearing to my Bro. (inside joke...Jab Jab)
I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God All Mighty Free At Last
Tonight is the last hootowl. They are giving me a long weekend by letting me off Thursday morning. I am so happy I could just bust. I am ready for a day off. After working 30 days in a row with no day off I feel I am due. What am I going to do with all this time I am going to have now? Hummm..... Im sure I will think of something.
We are planning to go camping at Lincoln Trail this weekend and just so happen that there is a geocaching event going on there also. I hope to meet alot of area cachers and snag some coinage while I am there. We always seem to have a good time with all our caching buddies.
I hope everyone enjoys there EASTER weekend and drive safe. I know this weekend will fly by. Hope to just park my butt in a chair by the fire and relax. To all my fellow bloggers.... Get out ans do some caching this weekend if it aint raining.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
We are planning to go camping at Lincoln Trail this weekend and just so happen that there is a geocaching event going on there also. I hope to meet alot of area cachers and snag some coinage while I am there. We always seem to have a good time with all our caching buddies.
I hope everyone enjoys there EASTER weekend and drive safe. I know this weekend will fly by. Hope to just park my butt in a chair by the fire and relax. To all my fellow bloggers.... Get out ans do some caching this weekend if it aint raining.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Back on the nights
Howdy everybody. Yes it is true. I am back on nights and things are dragging by like a dog leased to a bumper. I am setting here bored to tears and finding it hard to keep my eyes open. If I ramble please forgive me. Brando just called and said she was takeing our oldest Yuri to the ER for an ear ache. He had been complaining about it hurting and she put some drops in it but he woke up crying so she tooke him it to get some help. Nothing makes you feel more worthless than to have a family member need you and you not be there.
Yesterday we was at my work for an Easter egg hunt and Brando took a spill with Yin in her arms. Yin came out without a scratch and only frightened but Brando unable to catch herself took the brunt of the fall. Her knee looks pretty bad but shes tough and will pull through.
I was looking forward to getting back on night because it meant the beginning of the end of this TA but now I just feel utterly useless. I know my family will make it though this but I really want to be there. It helps to express it. Like someone said a little blog therapy never hurt. Sorry to vent my feelings.
Blog ya later
Yesterday we was at my work for an Easter egg hunt and Brando took a spill with Yin in her arms. Yin came out without a scratch and only frightened but Brando unable to catch herself took the brunt of the fall. Her knee looks pretty bad but shes tough and will pull through.
I was looking forward to getting back on night because it meant the beginning of the end of this TA but now I just feel utterly useless. I know my family will make it though this but I really want to be there. It helps to express it. Like someone said a little blog therapy never hurt. Sorry to vent my feelings.
Blog ya later
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Short repreave
They swung all of us back on days Tuesday morning. Today is my first day shift and after a month on not seeing the whole shop was like a home coming. We all traded stories and happenings while we were apart. The shop felt jazzed up. Man it is nice to see daylight during work hours. It is a nice warm day and I am enjoying the daylight.
The reason it is a short repreave is that one of the TDC groups will have to swing back to nights for start up coverage so I will enjoy the light while it lasts.
The boss (Brando) the kids and I went to the big town of E'ville and went shopping. We are planning to take the pack to Disney in September and we were shopping for a side by side stroller for the kids. We didnt want the inline two seater for the fact that one would constanly grip that they wanted to set in the front. So this was the best answer for us. We found some cheaper ones that was harder to push and was light weight but decided to go with the middlf of the road. It has plenty of storage and the only prob is that Yuris head hits the bonnet when it is pulled down. I doubt he will spend too much time it there anyway but if he wants and is tired he will have a place to park his kester.
Brando has been scowering the web for the best deals and pulled off a spectacular way to save us some $. She had a friend let us know on the low down on free meals at the big D. And I dont mean Dallas. Through August 15th to Sept 30th you can get free meals which for us is an $87 savings X 5 days. She has also been reading a book Disney World on a Dime. It has alot of tips and tricks to save on the green.
Have a nice week everyone!
The reason it is a short repreave is that one of the TDC groups will have to swing back to nights for start up coverage so I will enjoy the light while it lasts.
The boss (Brando) the kids and I went to the big town of E'ville and went shopping. We are planning to take the pack to Disney in September and we were shopping for a side by side stroller for the kids. We didnt want the inline two seater for the fact that one would constanly grip that they wanted to set in the front. So this was the best answer for us. We found some cheaper ones that was harder to push and was light weight but decided to go with the middlf of the road. It has plenty of storage and the only prob is that Yuris head hits the bonnet when it is pulled down. I doubt he will spend too much time it there anyway but if he wants and is tired he will have a place to park his kester.
Brando has been scowering the web for the best deals and pulled off a spectacular way to save us some $. She had a friend let us know on the low down on free meals at the big D. And I dont mean Dallas. Through August 15th to Sept 30th you can get free meals which for us is an $87 savings X 5 days. She has also been reading a book Disney World on a Dime. It has alot of tips and tricks to save on the green.
Have a nice week everyone!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Everythings fine at work
We all hunkered down at the E&I shop and the contractors came in an took over the canteen even though they are only to be in the common area. Oh well they was there only about an hour. Brando called and said that the roof at where we store our camper has been damaged and part blown off. I will go and get the camper tomorrow and double check for any damage. I have talked with a few people that live to the North of Robinson and they are telling me that trees are down, The Robinson Airport hanger is GONE, Power lines are down and no power in alot on the areas. Two poles fell supplying power to the Pallistine part of the water plant. Have a nice week everyone.
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