(Here is a picture of a swingset that is close to the one we got for the kids. I think the book says assembly time is 10 minutes...shouldn't take more than 5)
This weekend my lovely wife is going for a much much needed vacation from our house. She stays at home all the time and raises our wonderful children. I have several things that have pulled me away from the family lately and it is a nice change but I miss everyone terrible. You dont really know how much you will miss your family until you are away. I hope my wonderful wife will be able to put this aside and actually have fun this weekend. Brando has been working like a dog to get all the laundry caught up so she will only have to come home to a Rushmore size mountain of dirty laundry instead of an Everest. So with that, I will be home with the kids for a change. I am not sure what all we are going to do but, I know it will be interesting. I hope the weather cooperates so we can all spend a little time outside. Rain, rain go away... I hope that soon I will be able to start on Yin and Yuri's swing set. We purchased it a couple of weeks ago and there is some assembly required...as in nothing is assembled. I hope to get all the wooden structure up and seal it before putting on the plastic components.
Thanks for the kind words. You KNOW I love you!
Oh! I will try and not spend you entire bonus. ;)
10 minutes huh.... More like days. :)
Ooooh, a fortress fit for a prince and princess.
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