Sunday, March 04, 2007

Home from the South

We just got home from visiting the folks. Mom is doing really well and seemed to be feeling alot better than she was last weekend. However all the hair that had grown back in the last 6 weeks is now gone again. But it beats some of the other problems she was having. I hope the numbness goes away soon.

The kids really had a good time and really missed Nene and Paw paw. We also got to visit my Grandmaw. The visit was way too short and I hope next time we are able to visit longer. We ended up getting down there on Saturday and I had to be back today for work tomorrow.

I had a really good time but I am also glad to be home. Yin seems like she is coming down with a snotty nose. Hopefully we will get her on some medicine and get her cleared up. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


K_Dense73 said...

Welcome home! I'm glad your mom is doing better. My mom said she has been having a rough time.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Glad to hear your mom is doing well. She's in our thoughts all the time.