Friday, March 16, 2007

Blogger SUCKS

Last night I finally was able to type out a blog that I thought was half way coherent. Which obviously took me a long time to do. After reading it and proof reading it to make sure I was getting my idea across, I reluctantly pushed the publish button on the bottom of the screen. Waiting.......waiting.....waiting..... Your blog was published successfully came on the screen. I then click view blog. Of course it only shows the blog I posted last Sunday. So I hit Cntl F5 for the cache to update on my computer and force the refresh on the page..... The only thing that showed up from my post was the Title. I click back, back, back and recover post only to discover to my horror that my well thought out post is gone forever. I wanted to throw a temper tantrum and be a big baby, but instead I decided to throw an even bigger temper tantrum and scream at the top of my lungs, throw the laptop across the room and stomp up and down on it. (Just kidding) I just set there fuming in disbelief, deleted my post of the Title only and shut off the computer and went to bed. Like I said BLOGGER SUCKS.

And whats with this crap of BLOGGER not remembering your log in name and password even after you click the remember me box. SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!!!!!!!

1 comment:

K_Dense73 said...

I woke up with a poo bomb myself today, but I forced myself to go to work and suffer. Hope you get to feeling better soon.