Thursday, March 29, 2007
Weekend stuff

Monday, March 26, 2007
Burn Baby Burn

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Feel the Burn
Yesterday, we spent about 9 hours on the playset. We got alot done because we had alot of help. Our neighbors jumped in and really helped a bunch as well as Pilot. We all got all sorts of fresh air and sun. My arms and neck are neon. We got alot of the main structure done but still needed to get the roof on. It really started to get together. Here is where we were after 9 hours on day two.
Today we completed the playset with the help of the neighbors. We spent about 6 hours on the Playset from Hell. Pilot set this one out and I dont blame him. I was burnt starting out and got worse today. I guess I am a glutton for punishment, but I wanted to get it done before the rain tomorrow. After we got it together we went to Lowes to get some extras for the playset. Yin and Yuri picked up a steering wheel and a telescope. I am going to work on a bucket a pulley to haul stuff up to the upper deck and in a year or two will work on a zip line to get off the back deck toward the field. Here is the playset completely done. All we have to do is seal it with water sealer but we need a good dry couple of days to get that done. I hope everyone everyone had a relaxing weekend outside.
Last but not least, I wanted to thank everyone for there help in the Playset From Hell. With out the help of friends and family this project would still be on step 10. All in all we spent about 18 hours getting this thing together.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Let me tell ya little story bout a man named Rudy
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
You Know What Idle Hands Are!
1. Finish the Play set
2. Install the hide a stairs
3. Dig a much bigger goldfish pond
4. Install a stacking kit on the washer and dryer
5. Clean out the garage
6. Alphabetize my tools in my toolbox
I was just joshin about the last one. He has been a really big help with every project and if I call, he is out here in a flash. I couldn't have asked God for any better of a brother and I am not sure what I will do about him. And if you think I am saying this to butter him up for another project then you are only half right. He he he I really think I have been blessed with the best brother in the world and I KNOW that my kids have been blessed with the best KUNCKEL in the world.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Blogger SUCKS
And whats with this crap of BLOGGER not remembering your log in name and password even after you click the remember me box. SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Brando is Back
Friday, March 09, 2007
Bach'in it

This weekend my lovely wife is going for a much much needed vacation from our house. She stays at home all the time and raises our wonderful children. I have several things that have pulled me away from the family lately and it is a nice change but I miss everyone terrible. You dont really know how much you will miss your family until you are away. I hope my wonderful wife will be able to put this aside and actually have fun this weekend. Brando has been working like a dog to get all the laundry caught up so she will only have to come home to a Rushmore size mountain of dirty laundry instead of an Everest. So with that, I will be home with the kids for a change. I am not sure what all we are going to do but, I know it will be interesting. I hope the weather cooperates so we can all spend a little time outside. Rain, rain go away... I hope that soon I will be able to start on Yin and Yuri's swing set. We purchased it a couple of weeks ago and there is some assembly required...as in nothing is assembled. I hope to get all the wooden structure up and seal it before putting on the plastic components.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Slow days rant
Other than that life is good.
Monday, March 05, 2007
The Only Good Thing About Mondays

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Home from the South
The kids really had a good time and really missed Nene and Paw paw. We also got to visit my Grandmaw. The visit was way too short and I hope next time we are able to visit longer. We ended up getting down there on Saturday and I had to be back today for work tomorrow.
I had a really good time but I am also glad to be home. Yin seems like she is coming down with a snotty nose. Hopefully we will get her on some medicine and get her cleared up. Hope everyone had a good weekend.