Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Event

(The picture is from my phone. Of course we forgot the camera.)

What is this you might ask yourself? A rusty old can? Why is this rusty old can in this glass case? What is so special about this rusty old piece of crap can? Well, just so happens that this rusty old piece of crap can is the only original item that has survived from the original cache place in a black bucket, in the woods near Beaver Creek, Oregon, near Portland by Dave Ulmer in 2000. The person that brought it to the event lives in Phoenix, Arizona and was passing through and thought that we at the event would like to see it. He was the one who placed the plaque at the original cache site. He goes by Team 360. He does not log his caches online but was at the site with Dave Ulmer to place the plaque. He asked exactly where was the original cache at. Dave pointed to a spot so when they were digging around the site they found a can of beans. Dave said that the can of beans was in the original cache container but must have gotten dumped out and has started to rust up and was slightly crushed. It was pretty neat to see and everyone else at the wedding reception that are not geocachers probably thought we were a bunch of goof balls looking at and taking pictures of this crappy old can. I must admit it was pretty neat to see and I didnt expect to see anything like this at the event.

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