Last night was graduation night for all the Certified Paranormal Investigators that took the class. We went over the other spectrum of paranormal that J looks into but don't really focus on. These subject dealing with U.F.Os and Cryptozoology (Bigfoot). He also talked about phantom ships and houses that disappear (dimentional shifts). Like he said, "We take the calls and do investigate but we don't focus on that subject much." After a quick review of all the subject matter we have went over for the course we received out Certificates (suitable for framing) and went to a known active graveyard to put our degrees to good use. We arrived about 40 minute later and I set up a nightshot camera to blanket the yard while we went investigating. I walked through the graveyard taking pictures for a bit and then we met and attempted to capture a few EVPs. I still need to listen to the recordings to see if we captured something but I do think we caught a couple of orbs in the pictures. I will try and post some when I get home. I also need to review the nightshot footage to see if we picked up anything. After the second attempt at a recording it started to sprinkle. J said, "All picture from this point on cannot be used as evidence due to the rain so we can put our cameras away." I quickly walked back to the Pilots Jeep and put away the video camera and started walking back to were everyone was gathered. Pilot mentioned, "Listen to the wind. Sounds like it is really blowing over in that area." I said, "I hope that is wind and not rain." Seconds later the sky opened up to a deluge. We ran back to the Jeep and the night was basically over. I highly recommend this class and would encourage anyone who is interested to take it. I think they are going to offer and Advanced class in October. I am not sure if I will be able to make it. Things around here get way too busy in October.
I think you need to check your Halloween count down. I don't think it is that far away.
The numbers where plugged in correctly but I think it is a generic counter from Disney and counts 30 days as a month.
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