Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Family, Stricken

Its happened again.... Death has stricken the super secret project pond. Twice in two days the small inhabitants have met a untimely demise. There were the best of the best among their kind. I give these fish a twenty one bubble salute. Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub Blub......Oh yeah....Bloooey. So long poor fishies. I will miss you Stinky and Nemo. Goodbye. (Sniff...sniff)


Ramblin73 said...

My condolences for you in your time of loss......Now break out the tartar sauce

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I don't even want to know how Stinky got his name