Back story: This house has been known to levetate plaster falling from the ceiling, countless EVPs, moving objects (crutches) and has been known to push people to the floor. It is rated at VERY ACTIVE.
Yes! It has finally arrived. We got to go on a tried and true bonified investigation, complete with motion detectors, EMF meters and wireless IR cameras. We surveyed the house with digital cameras a blazing. After covering the house from top to bottom I got out the Nightshot camera and started a sweep. After consulting with J he let me use a IR broadcaster to help with the small IR emitter I have on the camera. It really helped with the focus. Then after J had it all set up we decided to do try and capture some EVPs. The first couple of attempts I didn't get anything. We then moved to another room and BINGO. Four of us with recorders picked up something that sounded like a voice. It sounds like, "Come Here." But it could be "Im Here." It was in a mans voice. I picked up something really faint in the ground floor living room but it is so faint I will amp it up on the laptop and see what G and Pilot think. One of the weird things about this place is there is a pair of crutches that tend to move around the house. When we went to the basement there they were leaning across the stairway path. I stepped around them and then one of our group moved them out of the way. I set them back the way they were in hopes that they would move while we were there. They did not budge and inch. Other than a few orbs (dust) and a couple of EVPs, the night was pretty uneventful, but I think we all had a good time.
Lessons learned:
1. It his hard to do a real investigation with 30 people in the house.
2. You can not get 30 people to be quite all at the same time.
3. You can not get 30 people to turn off there cell phones during and investigation.
4. By the end of the investigation you will want to strangle all 30 people involved for being bone headed.