Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Yep.... I am stuck in Gonzales Louisiana and after 11 hours of travel I must say that I am pooped. Everything seemed fine until landing at Houston. My left ear would not pop and I was almost ready to jam a pen in my head to releave the pressure. That is if I wanted to ruin a perfectly good pen. The second landing was pretty exciting. Must have been a trainer pilot because he came in really hot and jambed on the brakes and the thrusters to slow us down. Got to the hotel around 6:00 pm and lowe and behold the cable is out. Joy!!!! I looked around for any wireless internet and NYET! Then when all hope is lost I look behind a lamp on the desk and see a CAT 5 or 10 base 2 wire and click it into the back of the lap top. Slowly bring up explorer and HALLELUIAH !!! I can surf. I check to see if I can check the mail and it works too. If anyone wants to contact me please drop my normal email.

Miss you all and hope to be home soon.


K_Dense73 said...

Sometimes I get intense pain in my head when I fly. The first time it happened I thought I was having an annurism. I've also had a stopped up ear for long after I got off the plane. It's the one thing about flying I hate. Enjoy your trip!

Rudy said...

Other than work, the only thing to do around here is eat.......Ill be as big as a cow.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Connectivity is a wonderful thing.