Today I decided to get the yard work done. We are planning to go camping this weekend and I wanted to get it done a day early so I can help Brando load the camper tomorrow. Everything was going well. I checked the flower beds for weeds, mowed the lawn and then comes the weed eating. I got out the string trimmer and just got it started when my GOOD friend "G" showed up needing help with his mower. He was unloading it and got the deck hung on the trailer and bent it up and now the blade was hitting. We lifted it on some blocks to get the deck in the air to work on it. After some prying and hammering we got it pretty close to where it needed to be.
After we got his mower fixed, I let Way Way the boxer out. The first thing he did was run up and down the front ditch and got all muddy. I didnt know boxers had part retriever in them but this one must have. He is such a BAD dog. He likes to watch the kiddies play ball and then take it from them and run just out of reach. He is such a BAD BAD dog.
While Brando took the kiddies inside I started up the string trimmer and noticed Way Way taking an extra special interest in the new growling animal I had in my hand that roars and throws green stalk that help me throw up when I eat them. He kept his distance at first and measured up the competition. Then in his stalking little way he moved in closer. "Way Way get back!", I yelled. He moved back just a second and then moved in for the kill. The good thing is that I didnt have the trimmer reved up and it was idling. It left no marks on him but a nylon string smacking your nose at about 600 rpms probably didnt feel too good. After a quick yelp and a sharp bark at his two cycle enemy, he kept his distance as I finished trimming my WEEDY yard. Hopefully he will learn from his mistake. I hope he was thinking he was protecting me from this loud smoking animal attached to my arm and not gee I wonder what that tastes like. Probably the latter.
Have fun and happy blogging.
1 comment:
Poor fellow, he thought he was protecting you. Funny!
Have a great time camping this weekend.
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