Sunday, May 28, 2006


My email must have worked. After Krychecks had held my TImber Wolf Pup Travel Bug for almost 6 months they finally moved it on. I am so happy that I could crap. Just hope that the reaper gives the one he has to someone and Pups Pup shows up on the grid sometime soon. Here to hopeful thinking.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Big Project

I decided to take on a rather daunting project for Memorial Day weekend. Over the last few days we have dug, leveled, formed, spread, leveled and poured a patio on the back porch. Yes I am beat. The patio is curing now and I am waiting to expose the aggregate with a hose and a brush with a power washer on back up, just in case. In about 4 hours I will start spraying and brushing the concrete to expose the beauty beneath the surface. Then in about 2 days I will wash the surface with 10% muratic acid and water to clean the haze from the stone and then in about 30 days I will apply 2 coats of sealant. I hope all this effort is worth it.

Later all

Friday, May 26, 2006

Trying to collect the uncollectable

Today I tryed to locate all my travel bugs that have gone missing. I emailed everyone who has them or the last person to go to the cache after the person had planted them. I am hoping to get some kind of response but pretty well know that It wont happen. One lady has had one of my bugs since December of last year. I sent her an email in February and she assured me she would move it on soon. Now it is the end of May and she still has it. I sent another email a couple of weeks ago and got no response. One guy called the reaper joined geocaching just to steal 7 travel bugs in 15 days and then he hasnt done anything with them. They are all still in his posession. I see that he visited geocaching a month ago and I have sent him 2 emails and got no response. Why to these people do this. It makes no sense. I read on the forum that you should mutilate any hitchiker you pair with the tag to keep people from wanting to collect it. I should have drilled a couple of hundred holes in the sucker. Wish me luck on this bound to fail endeavor. Remember this when sending out a travel bug. Burn, maim, mutilate, to keep it from being kept. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Back to the Grind

I am back from the BIG EASY and had a nice weekend. Here is the run down.

6am wake up
7am breakfast
8am worktime
11:30 am leave for airport
12:30pm eat at Smokey Bones
1:30pm arrive at airport
3:00pm take off from Baton Rouge
4:00pm land at Houston
6:00pm take off at Houston
8:00pm land in Indy
10:00 arrive at work
10:30 arrive at home

I was one tired dog. We had a really nice weekend and you coundnt beat the weather. The family went to a Geocaching event and had a really good time then we left around 6ish to catch a movie at the drive in. They were showing Over The Hedge and MI3. Both were good. We got back to the house around 1:30 in the am. Dead dog tired.

Sunday we spent the day doing yard work and visiting with the new addition to the family. I worked on the car for a bit and watched the kids while Brando went shopping with her Muz and Meg Meg. After putting the kiddies to sleep I ran a load of dishes and went to bed for a wonderful day at work. Yeah Right.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. They go by so fast.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Light reading

Think about this.... You wake up in the morning and it is all over the news and in the papers. Thousands have died from Avian Flu. The new N5H1 strain has claimed its first 1 thousand victims and shous no signs of stopping. Every yahoo in the USofA would be running out clogging the streets buying surgical masks and antibacterial spray. Now take this information in the right context and see how the media can stur the pot. Normal strains of flu claim 36000 lives a year. Yes!.. 36000! But you dont see everyone running around like a bunch of idiots panicing over nothing. You might expect the next few times you leave a publicly used area you might use that waterless antibacterial gel after hearing these statistics. I just wish that the media would have a resposibility to report things in the right context and not over dramatize things. Maybe my dreams will calm down. I have had a feeling that ever since 9-11 that something catastrophic will happen. I aint talking about a tsunami half way around the world or a couple of hurricanes that cause a little flooding in the low lands of the southern states. I mean Earth changing. Your life will no longer be the same type catastrophic. I am still waiting for that other shoe to fall. I hope the catastrophy isnt caused by the media over dramatisizing something that happens every single day. Can you say spin city?

Not Speedy Gonzales

This has been a productive day for my work but it seems to be dragging by. The company that we are here to help test our new equipment treated us to the same place we ate last night. The food it really good but I wanted to get out and see something different. Tonight we are supposed to go to an italian resteraunt. I dont know the name but it is also suppose to have really good steaks. Like I said...Nothing to do but eat. I did manage to get in a few laps at the pool to help burn some of this food off. Maybe I will only get as big a whale. Heres to hopin.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Yep.... I am stuck in Gonzales Louisiana and after 11 hours of travel I must say that I am pooped. Everything seemed fine until landing at Houston. My left ear would not pop and I was almost ready to jam a pen in my head to releave the pressure. That is if I wanted to ruin a perfectly good pen. The second landing was pretty exciting. Must have been a trainer pilot because he came in really hot and jambed on the brakes and the thrusters to slow us down. Got to the hotel around 6:00 pm and lowe and behold the cable is out. Joy!!!! I looked around for any wireless internet and NYET! Then when all hope is lost I look behind a lamp on the desk and see a CAT 5 or 10 base 2 wire and click it into the back of the lap top. Slowly bring up explorer and HALLELUIAH !!! I can surf. I check to see if I can check the mail and it works too. If anyone wants to contact me please drop my normal email.

Miss you all and hope to be home soon.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Weekend to Wiggle

This weekend it was Brandos idea to take the kids to see The Wiggles. I must admit, it was a really nice concert and found myself having as much fun as Yin & Yuri. Yin was taking it all in until they rolled out in the Big Red Car and then she started clapping and saying, "We we's! We we's!" which is her words for The Wiggles. They were very entertaining for all the kids and they got off the stage and walked through the seats. Not just the floor seats but the bleacher seats as well. They genuinely looked as if they were having a blast on the stage with little pranks they would pull on each other and make them laugh. Some pranks looked scripted but others you could tell, they were having a good time. They sang alot of there really popular songs so that the kiddies could sing along. I would highly recommend taking any kids to one of there concerts. Yin and Yuri had a really good time and the looks on there faces was worth several times the ticket price.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Bird In The Hand = Messy Hands

Yesterday at work we were patrolling the East side where there is a sizable pond. To accompany the pond is your normal pond wild life. At this time of year you can expect to see alot of geese and there little ones all around. We drove up to a couple and saw the Mamma Goose and Daddy Gander was scared away from there goslings so I steped out of the vehicle and walked over to one of them and I couldnt resist. I picked it up. It was really cute by gooses standards, I guess and I only held it for a moment and noticed that GOOSZILLA pair had gotten there courage up and was headed my direction. Not wanting a conflict I made sure to place the little fella in the road where I found him and back away to the safety of the vehicle. We watched as the two little guys made it back to there parents. It was such a neat moment. When Momma and Daddy goose corraled me back to the truck and I was safe inside my good ole buddy "G" said, "I should have locked you out of the truck. You would have S--t." Yep thats my good ole buddy "G", always looking out for me in this magical moment. We drove by again today to check on them and they are doing fine. All the family is together.

PS : When handling a scared cute baby gosling you will need to wash your hands afterward.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Call Hall Hallin Baton Rouge

Yep I am heading to Baton Rouge next week Tuesday for work. It was one of those last second, Oh yeah we want you to come down and check out the shutdown system in its functionality test. OKAY so I have less than a week to get our plane tickets and hotel. Oh well....My coworker "G" and I are use to being the last to know. I got some incouraging news about the fall TA. It looks like it is going to be pushed into next year. So I will be able to work on and enjoy HALLOWEEN this year. I was not looking forward to spending another month at work.

I have big plans for HALLOWEEN this year and hope to work on only a couple of big projects and make them very well built. Last year I built cemetery fence, monster in the box, archway, The Raven skeleton, skull popup,numerous head stones, acid spitter and a couple of fog coolers and really didnt achive the quality of build that I wanted. The monster in the box was a victim of this. Good thing that the last TOT had left and I was testing the mechinisim when the drill inside broke. The gears grinding noise kidda let me know that something was wrong.

This year I am going to work on three skeletons that sing a song together. I will have them sing "This is HALLOWEEN" or a song that I found on a site that the person that built the shight composed. I really hope it works out and I dread worrying about the big night being rained out. Last year was a close one.

Well enough yammering now so see ya later.

Sunday, May 07, 2006



The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Good, The Bad & The Weedy

Today I decided to get the yard work done. We are planning to go camping this weekend and I wanted to get it done a day early so I can help Brando load the camper tomorrow. Everything was going well. I checked the flower beds for weeds, mowed the lawn and then comes the weed eating. I got out the string trimmer and just got it started when my GOOD friend "G" showed up needing help with his mower. He was unloading it and got the deck hung on the trailer and bent it up and now the blade was hitting. We lifted it on some blocks to get the deck in the air to work on it. After some prying and hammering we got it pretty close to where it needed to be.

After we got his mower fixed, I let Way Way the boxer out. The first thing he did was run up and down the front ditch and got all muddy. I didnt know boxers had part retriever in them but this one must have. He is such a BAD dog. He likes to watch the kiddies play ball and then take it from them and run just out of reach. He is such a BAD BAD dog.

While Brando took the kiddies inside I started up the string trimmer and noticed Way Way taking an extra special interest in the new growling animal I had in my hand that roars and throws green stalk that help me throw up when I eat them. He kept his distance at first and measured up the competition. Then in his stalking little way he moved in closer. "Way Way get back!", I yelled. He moved back just a second and then moved in for the kill. The good thing is that I didnt have the trimmer reved up and it was idling. It left no marks on him but a nylon string smacking your nose at about 600 rpms probably didnt feel too good. After a quick yelp and a sharp bark at his two cycle enemy, he kept his distance as I finished trimming my WEEDY yard. Hopefully he will learn from his mistake. I hope he was thinking he was protecting me from this loud smoking animal attached to my arm and not gee I wonder what that tastes like. Probably the latter.

Have fun and happy blogging.