What is a chicken tractor you might say. Well, a chicken tractor is a portable chicken coop so as they scratch and mess in one area you can move it to another area. These devices usually have handles an wheels to facilitate the moving of these portable pens. We were showing rabbits for 4-H and told some people that we were interested in chickens so they asked how many. We said, "Oh....about six." They said we needed about a dozen. I didn't want to feed the neighborhood with eggs just enough for ourselves and a few for the neighbors so we ended up with 8 chickens. I also failed to mention that we have already had 1 egg. Yeah baby and thats when the big bucks start rollin in.
Here are there fancy digs that though the help of the world wide webs helped me come up with a plan. I hope you like and I hope the chickens don't mind them either.

This is my chicken tractor.

Here is the back hatch to collect the eggs.

Here is the inside. It has 3 bins for the hens to lay there eggs to the left. There is a vent on each side for cross ventilation and a hatch to go below into the bottom where they can eat grass and bugs and enjoy the sun and air. There is also a 5 foot roost up top that is not shown in this picture.
If you are interested in seeing other chicken tractors click here.
Hey you forgot to put that we already have one brown egg!!
I am so impressed with your ingenuity AND the fact that you'll have fresh eggs. Too cool.
You are a genius!
Now my head is a swellin like a fellon eatin a bowl of melon.
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